Chapter 30 (Finale)

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(Last part,I've had a lot of fun writing this book)

Y/n wakes up with 18 and C/n snuggled next to him

Y/n:I guess I can wait for them to wake up

After about 5 minutes they both wake up

C/n:Dad! Your awake!

Y/n:Yea so is your mom...

18 tries to act alsleep but can't hold in her laugh

She laughs as y/n tickles her

18:Okay you got me!

They all laugh as the all get up to make breakfast

When they exit the room they see 17  making breakfast

Y/n:17! Your making breakfast!

17:Well I thought since you saved everyone on the planet like 3 times in like one day it's the least I could do!

18 smiles and speaks

18:Where's 16?

As she says that 16 appears around the corner with an apron that has a heart on it

C/n laughs as she hugs 16's legs

C/n:I love that apron!

16 smiles at he walks back into the kitchen and comes back with a smaller version of his apron for C/n

Her eyes light up like stars


16 hands it to her

She puts it on

C/n:How do I look?

She has it on backwards

Everyone laughs

C/n pouts

Y/n fixes it

Y/n:There, now you look beautiful

C/n:Thank you dad!

They all sit down and eat breakfast

Y/n:This is really good 17!

17:Thanks! I learned from you two!

Everyone is enjoying breakfeast

Y/n:Well I'm gonna go see how everyone is doing....

Everyone nods

Y/n:And when I come back 18 and C/n we can go for a walk around

They smile and nod once again

Y/n walks out the door

Y/n:I'll go check on vegeta and bulma first

He flies down there

As he arrives he sees vegeta training with trunks

Y/n:Hey guys!

Trunks looks at vegeta

Vegeta simply nods

Trunks run over and hugs y/n

Y/n:What's up trunks it's good to see you!

Trunks:I knew you would beat buu!

Y/n:Aww,thanks buddy but I had help from everyone!

Trunks smiles again

Trunks:Hey you want to train with me and my dad!

Y/n looks at his arm

Y/n:I got time...

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