Chapter 16

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16:I have changed my objective to eliminating cell...

Y/n:Is he stronger than you and 18 and 17?

16:Yes,but he has mutiple forms

Y/n:Freiza had mutplie forms too this isn't new to me.

16:He also has the cells of many warriors.

Y/n:Does he have mine?

16:I'm not sure,although if he does we may be in trouble.

Y/n:I kinda want to fight someone similar to my berserk mode.

Trunks Thoughts:(Broly.....I kinda want to see that fight.)

Y/n:Where should we start looking 16?

16:The surrounding area of the lab

Y/n:We should go in pairs

18:I can go with y/n

17:Why y/n?

18:Because he's the strongest one here. So I dont have to fight.

Y/n:So I'm just here to fight for you?

18 laughs

18:Of course not,I want to know you better too.

Y/n:Are you guys okay with this?

Everyone nods

Krillin:Me and gohan can go back to Kame house to check on goku

Piccolo:I need to do something.....

17:Me and 16 can look for him too,once we need help we'll call 18.

Vegeta looks angry

Vegeta:Damn it! Why would you spare these idiots y/n!

Y/n laughs

Y/n:Calm down no need to get so angry.....

Vegeta:Sayians are warriors who show no mercy for their foes! If I had your power I would make everyone kneel to me!

Y/n:If I did that then you wouldn't be here right now.

Vegeta grumbles to himself

He flies off in the direction of a nearby city

Y/n:At least he's trying to look for cell,although I'm pretty sure he won't let us know if he does.



18:We should go shopping for clothes,so we can blend in with everyone.

Y/n:I understand my armour but what's wrong with your clothes?

18:I need some things...

Y/n sighs

Y/n:Okay but right after that we need to find cell!

18 smiles

18:Awesome let's go!

She hold y/n's arm


18:Why not?

Y/n:Whatever let's just get this done....

17 and 16 fly off while Y/n and 18 head to the shopping mall

As they arrive 18 speaks before they are seen by anyone

18:Do you have clothes on underneath your armour?

Y/n nods

18:You need it off so no one gets suspicious

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