Chapter 27

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When y/n flies off goku speaks to goten and trunks

But before he can speak they yell at him

Goten:Why didnt you stop vegeta!

Trunks:He killed 18 now he is y/n is really angry!

Goku:I tried but he was too strong...

The both sigh and listen to goku again

Goku:That buu guys is really strong so when you fight him you guys to combine your powers...

Trunks:So we will need to train!

Goku:Yes but not fighting. A dance....

Goten and trunks start to laugh

Goten:A dance!?

Goku:Yes the fusion dance it combines to two users into one being...

They stop laughing

Trunks:That sounds cool!

Goku shows off the dance

They laugh once again

Goku:Piccolo can you stay with them to make sure they do it?

Piccolo:Yea sure....


He teleports somewhere to train

Meanwhile with Y/n

Y/n sees the city and buu charging up the beam at a group of people

Y/n goes berserk

Buu fires the beam

Y/n stops it with his hand and realizes his arm is turning to chocolate

He thinks fast and rips it off

Buu laughs expecting y/n to scream in pain

He looks surprised when y/n picks it up and takes a bite out of it

Y/n:Ewww,its dark chocolate,that's truly evil.

Buu:Why you no scream when your arm come off!

Y/n:I've felt so much physical and emotional pain nothing even hurts me anymore...

Goku arrives and speaks to y/n

Goku:Y/n we need to distract him. Bulma said she getting the dragon radar to get the dragon balls

Y/n Thoughts:18!

Y/n:Well do you have a plan I can't kill him because I might destroy the planet accidentally

Goku whispers in y/n's ear

Goku:You may need to go super sayian 3...

Y/n eyes widen a bit

Y/n:Are you sure?

Goku:If people die we can revive them...

Y/n smirks

Y/n:I've actually known super sayian 3 for a couple years I just haven't needed to use it yet.


Y/n goes berserk

Buu doesn't look impressed

Y/n goes super sayian 2

Y/n:This is a level past super sayian,but you can call it super sayian 2

Y/n and goku start to charge

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