(1) #AGML - First

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" I gotta boy motjin i gotta boy chakhan, i gotta boy handsome boy nae mam da gajogan. I gotta boy motjin I gotta chakhan i gotta boy awesome boy hwanjeon banhae nabwa "

I woke up as my phone alarmed under my pillow,i reached it and look at the screen,I smiled after i saw Kris as my Wallpaper. I barely open my eyes cuz of the light coming from it.But i manage to see his handsome face.My smile vanished As i see the time.

" oh, gosh it's already past 6:00 am " i lazily say to myself.

I get up from bed bringing my phone with me heading to the bathroom to take a bath.

My hand keep on scrolling on my phone with out looking at it to play music while taking a bath.

Well it's part of my morning ritwal.

I played Exos Growl,when i'm about to close the door, I saw Kris's poster behind it,I smile again.

"Joheun achim oppa,jaljinaeyo? i greeted him as if the poster will talk.I started to take shower then.

Exo's Kris is my long term Boyfriend. Yes,but he didn't know it at all.I just claimed him as my boyfriend.Weird right?

It started when I first laid my eyes to Exo.They were invited to join Dream Kpop Fantasy Concert in the Philippines last January 19,2013.

I didnt know them at all,I was just a pass buyer until i decided to watch the concert.

I meet a two people named Pauline and Bianca they're siblings and they're my bestfriends now.

They are head over 'flats' inlove with Exo esp. to Lay and Chanyeol respectively.

As the concert goes by it's time for Exo's turn to perform on the stage.They sang 'Hawak Kamay' to serenade the Exostance at first i didnt care about the screaming fans,Im just watching the whole performance.But time comes for them to interact,they were giving fresh roses out.

A tall guy named Kris was walking at my direction holding a microphone still singing, I was froze for a bit, I think something was moving in my stomach, Im at the front right side near stage.so i will be the first person to see if anyone is coming.

He handed the single Rose to me,and whispered the song lyrics 'oh di kaya ako'y tawagin' and smiled. I was puzzled by his act and i dont know whats happening to me,My heart beats really fast,I cant move even the people behind are pushing me.I smell the Rose with out thinking,Kris saw it and smiled looking at me.I plastered a smile too and look into his eyes directly i feel a spark from it.

Everything changed since then.


After i take a bath

I reach my phone to call Roan.

Me _ "Hello? Pauline let's meet at the school practice room i have something to tell you guys, and please pass the message to other's also"

Pauline _ "Ok, i'll message them,what time?

Me _ "About 10 am,"

Pauline _ "Ok , copy,bye"

I'm preparing my things to put on my bag when i heard Yayie call my name.

Yayie - "Princess are you awake already? Breakfast is ready,come and You'll be late to school."

Me - "ok, coming yayie."

I hurriedly put my Car Key,Wallet, Phone, Binder and Water inside my bag and run towards the kitchen.

I pick a piece if bread and drink my milk.

"Im really going to be late if i sit and eat breakfast pa yayie so im going to bring some sandwich and eat it on the way,thanks and bye"

"Ok, take care and don't show too much love for Kris,Be good at school" Yayie shout when i run to the door.

"Don't worry,my love for him are overflowing,and i'm a good girl. sablay lang minsan" i shout too while giggling.

-->> At the school

"Ok guys,what do you think? you can also suggest any songs."

"ahm, what about Bubble pop and Ice cream of Hyunah.?" Bianca suggest

"or La Chata and Rum Pum Pum of Fx?" says Pauline

"Ok, let's part it this way guys,

Exo's Growl, Fx's Rum Pum Pum & Hyunah's Bubble pop,is that ok? i said looking at them.

"nae,joa joa," everyone chorus in excitement.

"Ok,Everyone get ready for a hard prctice". . fighting to us guys,and thank you,i think.


Im accidentally been the leader of Kirin High Flash Mob dancer's named 'Team KJ' Consist of 6 members Me,Pauline,Bianca,Justine,Sky and Sofie. . . We've become popular in the entire school because of this and Im also a member of our Singing,Acting and Martial Arts Club.

The first time I came up with the plan of having group here In Kirin High is the boredsome i feel.Im always been bored of the things around me and what im doing except Loving Kris and liking Exo.My groupmates/Bestfriends and I are from the Philippines,as an Heires we can do what ever we wanna do,even studying here in Kirin and put up our own group.Ofcourse for the sake of Exo.We all like Exo and we have our own Bias's.

So i ask the head of our school Mr.Kim sonsaengnim to approve our group to do a  flashmob once in a while to lighten the atmosphere.And we are doing that for almost half a year.


Kirin Practice Room . . . 2:15pm

"Let's Pack up guys and rest early,tomorrow is our day,so move everyone and go home straight." i exclaimed .

"can you ride me home jessie? im coding." pauline say

"Ofcourse leggo together. . . but before that,let's pass by to the Exo room to. . .  u know, get inspirational vibe. ." i say while locking my locker.

"Ok ok,lets go" Bianca excitedly giggling

We walk slowly through the hallway and take a  simple look inside the room as if were just really passing by.And i saw Kris talking to Lay.Chanyeol poke him and point at us.

"Oh my gosh,i can't breath normally.I think i'm going to die" just by the look of Kris ,i exaggirate.

"oh yes, i saw Lay ,he made my day already." Bianca dramatically exclaimed.

"Yah,enough! sis and let's go,I wanna sleep already." Justine cut our dreaming time.

"Okay," We chorus.

"as if you dont want to see Luhan" . . . Sofie teasing Justine.

(Kris POV)

I was talking to Lay when Chanyeol poke me and pointing outside.It seems that the TeamKJ arrive.They're here again.hmmm. I am really pissed  of by thier leader Jessie and i dont know why,She always makes me angry.I dont like the kind of face she has,its not that she's ugly,to tell the truth is she's incridibly baeutiful.But why do i have this feeling that i need to put a wall between us.

"Hyung,are you with us?" Chanyeol snapping his finger in front of face.

"Ye? mwoya?" i ask blankly.

"You just see Jessie,and your aleady lost?? c'mon tell us,are you already giving up?? are you inlove with her hyung? sehun ask and come near me to inspect my reaction. Tao make a face,and all the member's gather to see my reaction too.


*What's on your mind?*

Update to Follow!!

n/p - Change by Hyunah

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