Chapter 10

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"Harry. I'm not going to do this with you here." "Then let's do this after school." "I have practice." I said and he narrowed his eyes. "You don't do sports." "Volleyball captain." Nessa hummed before getting up to go to the restroom. 

"Volleyball?" Harry tilted his head and I nodded finishing my salad. 

"I'll wait." 

"No. I'd advise strongly against it because I have somewhere else to be right after practice." I said opening my calendar app to see that my nephew, Theo, had a baseball game right after my practice at the park. 

"What could you possibly need to do? You realize rejecting me will only cause my affection to grow for you the longer I wait? I have no problem waiting." He was completely serious as he sat back in his chair with his arms crossed. 

"I have my nephew's baseball game." 

"Which one?" Michael asked and I smiled softly. "Theo. Tomorrow is Leo's football game. Friday is Christians play. Saturday is Nick's camping trip thingy. Monday night next week Theo and Leo both have their play. Tuesday next week is my dress fitting for Chrissy and Derek's wedding. Wednesday Mari needs me to help her with Emma and Christian while she goes to get stuff for party so I babysit. Thursday is my mom's anniversary dinner thing cause that will mark 6 years. Friday through Sunday is Martin's birthday weekend. Crazy stuff happens the week after that which is mom's birthday and dad's which I'm not going to celebrate with him for obvious reasons." 

"Which are?" Amber asked, confused. 

"If he really wanted his daughter to be there with him he should spend it with the one he replaced me with." I smiled bitterly and frowned when I saw my text message from my mom. 

"What?" Harry asked and I sighed. 

"Hold on." I held a finger up and called Nick. 

"Hey Nick. Dad's at the house, mom can't get him out. He's in my room and I don't want him there. Just checked the security footage from the house and she's in the living room fighting with him. She texted me to call you since he took her phone." 

"How did she message you?" 

"Panic button from the drawer. Our phones are linked to it and I get alerts when it's pushed to look at the footage." 

"I'm on my way." 

"I'll turn the alarms off but just get him out, I'll call derek." 

"Okay." Nick hung up and I dialed Derek. 

"Hey, Dad's at the house. Mom panic buttoned me I need you there ASAP to get him out." Was all I said before hanging up to see my entire table looking at me confused. 


"Do you just casually call your brothers at any given time?" Olivia asked and Alex laughed. "She's really close with all her siblings and her mother. They have regular fight nights at her house. I think the worst fight ever was between you and Mari when both of you idiots ended up in the hospital after you tackled her down the second floor and you both ended up with stitches, bruises and casts." Nessa said and I laughed shaking my head. 

"Okay but she started that!" 

"How? What excuse do you have to throw someone off the second floor?" 

"She threw water on me when I was sleeping and we started fighting and she burned my Drake hoodie that I paid top dollar for so push came to shove and I did what needed to be done." I shrugged and they laughed. 

"For a fucking Drake hoodie? Are you serious?" Amber said and I nodded, rolling my eyes back. 

"The dirty dirty things I'd do to that man." I smirked and they all widened their eyes at my response, the girls laughing at me. 

"What the fuck, your brother's would actually have your balls if they heard you!" Alex screeched and I laughed. "They're well aware of my obsession with Drake. Everyone is." "Obsession and insanity are two different things." Harry warned, he seemed pissed about my comment. 

"I'm both. Latina's are born insane." I shrugged eating a pudding cup. 

"So you're into light skin guys?" Olivia asked, feeling proud that Michael wasn't lightskinned. 

"No, I don't discriminate but Drake. Drake is a completely different story, darling. If you're wondering if I'm into Michael the answer is no. We were a thing before but no feelings on either part." I said and she frowned along with Harry. 

"But you're not allowed to have a boyfriend." She said with her arms crossed. 

"I was never her boyfriend. We were just more than friends but less than lovers. Fine line between the two, even Josh suspected us but I've known her since we were born. All of our parents are best friends so naturally we became best friends that escalated to more. Sure, I flirt with her but I know that we could never get together because we both value our friendship more than we did our feelings for eachother. I'll always love her and I know she will love me but that love is completely different than what you would feel for a significant other." Michael explained and I nodded. 

"So did you guys have sex?" She asked, confused. I looked at Michael who smirked at me. "We almost did but that's when we decided it was just better off as friends." I said and he smiled behind his hand that covered his fake yawn. 

"Oh." Olivia seemed happier but Michael and I continued to have conversations through our eyes. I shook my head when he cocked his head to the side, he had used body language to ask if I had feelings for Harry. I nodded and he smirked and nodded slowly. I cocked my head to ask the same for Olivia and he shook his head no, looking across the room to Kayleen, school sweetheart, for as second and I nodded with a smirk. 

"What are you guys laughing at?" Harry asked, his voice was on edge. 

"We all have body language and can communicate through body language. They both just confirmed their crushes with all of us so we all know who they both like. You guys don't know but we all do." Alex said with a yawn and I smirked at him, cocking my head to the right to indicate Harry was my crush. 

"Okay, see that was an obvious crush, Grace. Everyone could tell though." Amber said and I licked my lips. 

"Was it?" I smirked and Nessa nodded. 

"Wait is it?" Danny asked turning his head to the right, Harry was sitting to my left. 

"Yes." We all said and his jaw dropped. 

"It wasn't obvious. I wouldn't have known!" 

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