Chapter 28

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Leslie's POV*

It was the final serve of the game. If we got one more point we would win, eliminating the other team from the playoffs.

Erin served the ball and I watched it go over, coming back when the other team hit it.

"Mine." I dove for the ball, hitting it with my forearms as I slid on the floor to boost it over the net, succeeding but my knees hurt.

I saw it coming for me again, a little higher this time.

"Mine." I called out, jumping as high as I could, using my body weight to spike it over the net, touching the floor.

I screamed in excitement as my team all hugged and cheered. I squealed happily, running over to Harry who caught me, wrapping my arms around his chest.

"You did so good baby." He hugged me tightly.

"I hurt my knees." I said as he looked at my legs when he set me down.

"Does it hurt alot?"

"No, just a little."

"You want to get it looked at?" He examined my face but I only shook my head no as I grinned at him. "No, I want a shower." "Okay. I do gotta tell you something. Don't get mad or weird." He put one hand on my waist.

"What?" I tilted my head up.

"My family kinda showed up to the game, unexpectedly. They want to meet you." My eyes widened as I looked at him, shaking my head no.

"No baby I'm not ready. I'm sweaty. I-I need a shower w-" I was cut off by him putting a hand over my mouth but I just stared at him in fear.

"They're going to love you, I promise."

"No, I need to shower." I pulled my arm back as he tried to lead me over there. "Shower. Meet me here or I'll kick your ass. I know where you live." He warned playfully making me practically sprint into the girls locker room. I took a shower, making sure I smelt good before changing into my change of clothes.

I slid on my black tights and white crop top with my white converse. I brushed my hair quickly panicking as I walked out the locker room to the gym where Harry waited patiently at the entrance.

"No, baby I'm nervous." I bit my lip at I looked up at him.

"You'll be fine. I promise. Come on." He pressed a soft kiss to my lips since none of my family was around. We don't kiss infront of them.

I had my hand intertwined in his as he lead us over to where our families sat.

"Mom, Gem, this is my girlfriend Leslie. Babe, this is my mom and my sister Gem." He introduced me to the two most beautiful women I've ever laid my eyes on. No wonder he was so fucking attractive, he looked exactly like his mum!

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." I went to shake their hands but Gemma squealed happily and engulfed me in a hug almost knocking me over.

"Gemma!" Harry snapped and I smacked his arm.

"Oh it's so nice to finally meet you! We literally thought he was gay and dating your brother. He's never introduced us to any of his girlfriends before. Or even talk about them in general."

"She's my first girlfriend." Harry scratched his jaw as his mom hugged me next.

"God you're so gorgeous!" She squealed and I smiled.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Styles. It means alot."

"I'm not a Styles anymore, I'm a Twist but you can call me Anne!" She hugged me again and I giggled hugging her back.

"Awe who is this? This must be Jackson right?" I asked bending down to the small child with a pacifier in his mouth.

"Yeah this little rebel is Jackson. He's my nephew, Gem's son." Harry crouched down to my level and tickled his chin.

"Awe, hi Jackson." I smiled and the baby hugged me and I stuck my bottom lip out.

"Babe he's so cute." I carried him up to normal height and Harry just smiled at me.

"You guys should come to our house. We're going to order pizza and just hang out." I hummed as Jackson placed a kiss on my cheek after taking his pacifier out his mouth, laying on my shoulder.

"Hey little man, that's my girl you're after." Harry joked with Jackson who laughed and put his pacifier in his mouth again.

"We would love to, Harry actually has to drive us because we ubered here just in case he decided to not let us meet you he had to ride home and hear our million questions." Gemma said proudly which made Harry roll his eyes.

"Hey Harry." A sophomore girl giggled as she came over, putting her hands on his bicep. I laughed silently, shaking my head as he gave her a wild stare. He grabbed her hand and dropped it between them.

"You never called me after our time the other day."

"That was last semester." Harry looked at me, trying to explain but I only pressed my lips together trying not to laugh.

"You know it's rude to take a girl's virginity and not call? How fucking rude can you be?" She snapped, turning on her heel to look at his mom who looked shocked.

"You raised a pig!" She squealed before running off.

"Baby I-" He tried to explain but I shook my head laughing. "I know. You don't have to explain to me." "You had sex with someone you weren't in a relationship with! That's not the point! You had sex?!" His mom lectured and he widened his eyes.

"For starters yes. I did. I used to basically sleep around with everyone but I used protection. That was before I met Leslie." He tried to reason, looking my mom in the eye as he said the last sentence.

"I changed. I did. She's literally the only female I even give the slightest bit of attention to." His mom looked at me along with my mom.

"You better not have had sex with her before you asked her to be your girlfriend, Harold. I raised you better than that. Do not get this girl pregnant. Please don't let him get you pregnant"

"We haven't had sex. Don't worry, Ms. Twist. I have more respect for myself than most females do in our generation." I said and she let out a deep breath.

"Thank god. Harry you better keep this one. I like her. Do not fuck it up."

"I won't. Trust me mom, I couldn't hurt her if I tried."

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