Chapter 32

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Her Pov*

I was still in the hospital, Harry never left my side. It had been two days in needles, being pricked and epileptic seizures continuously stopping my heart but my will to live for Harry seemed to outnumber everything else. 

My siblings were scared for my life, everybody was, fuck I was too. Today was different. My fever had gone down. I didn't temor anymore. My body wasn't rejecting the medicines. I was getting better. 

"How do you feel baby?" Harry asked as he noticed me awake. He smoothed my hair back and kissed my head. 

"Better." I nodded and he let out a relieved sigh.

"Do you hurt?" 


"Do you feel funny?" 

"No." He let out a happy chuckle as he hugged me tighter, kissing my lips. I smiled and just nestled back into his chest. My mom walked into the room, she was working but would regularly check on me. 

"How do you feel? Do you feel pain? Feel funny? Sleepy?" She rushed, scared I was going to slip unconscious before I could answer. 

"I feel fine. I feel alot better." I promised and she let out a chuckle and thanked god. 

"Fuck don't scare us like that." She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me, rocking me in her arms as she placed kisses into my skin. 

"What did they find out? I don't understand how I got this sick." I asked, laying back next to Harry. 

"I don't know, we've been trying to figure it out but there's just so much wrong, Gracie. I don't understand how you even survived." She shook her head sadly, sniffling. 

"Your brothers and sister are in the waiting room. I had to call your dad, mija. He deserved to know. Anne and Gem are here too. They'll come in one by one to see you, okay? I'll tell them in an hour so you can spend some time alone, okay?"" She asked and I nodded. 

"I love you." I said and she smiled weakly, nodding to herself. It fucked her up to almost lose me. 

"I love you too." She blinked quickly as she exited. I looked up at Harry. 

"I'm sorry." I spoke honestly, looking down in shame. I broke him. I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to scare him. I didn't mean to cause him so much grief. 

"No, it's not your fault baby. Don't do that. What's important is you're okay. I fucking love you so much, your health is so important to me." He rushed, grabbing my face and pressed a kiss to my lips and I sobbed, shaking my head and hugged him. 

"What are you crying for baby?" His voice broke as I moved to where I was sitting on his waist, his legs were supporting my back. His hands were on my waist, eyes looking into mine as his head tilted to get readings of my face. 

"I heard you. When I died, Harry, the third time I died I heard you. I heard your prayers and your vow. I fucking love you. I felt the rage inside of you, Harry. I felt the love. I felt every emotion you did. God, baby, that rage." I closed my eyes and shook my head as I looked at my hands that were on my lap. 

"The rage you had at the idea of losing me. I touched it. It's an unholy thing that is inside of you, Harry. I placed it there and I'm so sorry. I saw it. What you became when you lost me."

"I love you, Leslie. You have no idea the things I'd do for you. The lengths I'm willing to go to ensure your safety." He spoke through gritted teeth and closed eyes at the last part. The amount of passion that filled his voice made me smile. 

"I do. I love you. I understand." I pressed a soft kiss to his lips which he returned, his passion filled my body that felt like it was on fire. The butterflies, the fireworks, the bliss. Everything felt as I had missed. We pulled away from eachother, he sat me next to him and stood up to grab something. 

"I bought you this, swearing I would give it to you when you woke up." He opened his palm to reveal the matching promise rings. I gasped as he sat on the edge of the bed. 

"I promise to love you, for now and ever. Till death do us part, my love. Don't think I forgot our little engagement." He winked, slipping the ring on my finger when I pressed a kiss to his lips. He slipped his own on. 

The rings were simple black bands with a gold figurine of a crown on it. In the inside it had King or Queen written on it depending whose ring we spoke of. Mine had queen written on it, obviously, he had king on his. I giggled as we continued to flirt. 

The doctor came in, looking surprised to see me away and making out with Harry. 

"So, I've found the issue." He said and we both looked at him, I sat up straight. 


"You were poisoned." He spoke and my eyes widened, Harry's body tensed. 

"What?" Harry asked, both of us were shocked as we looked at eachother then to the doctor. 

"You were poisoned by Rat poison. The reason it read funky is because the poison attacked your entire body. It was in something you had ate that day, what exactly did you eat?" The doctor asked and I thought about it. 

"I didn't eat anything all day, I usually just eat salads but that day I wasn't hungry. I was fasting for the blood drive." I thought about it, tensing when I realized. 

"Is that all you ate?" 

"No, I ate the fruit Jerry gave me. Babe he fucking poisoned me!" I yelled at Harry who looked pissed as Josh came into the room. 

"Thank god you're okay!" He gasped innocently, running over to me and hugged me. I shook my head and didn't have anything to say as I hugged him back. 

"What's going on?" He asked, pulling away and seen our face. Harry was twitching in anger. 

"Your fucking friend Jerry poisoned her with a goddamn fucking fruit cup!"

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