Chapter 36

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It was time for me to go back to school since the incident where I almost died, for good, had occured.

Harry had indeed fucked his face up. Broke his jaw and nose. The stitches that he displayed on his face were proof that Harry really did put every ounce of rage into his blows. Josh had to pull Harry off of Jerry when it happened in order to save his life because Harry showed no signs of stopping. I only knew from the pictures plastered on social media and the vicious comments that surrounded the question of  how he could do that to someone like me.

"Hey baby." Harry hummed, pressing a kiss to my lips as he picked me up for school. "Hi." I smiled. I was wearing my usual croptop and tights with my infamous vans. Harry wore the usual black jeans and white t-shirt. His white vans he bought to match mine were on his feet today. 

I waited till we were at school to give him the gift.

"Here's your gift. 3 more days." I hummed and set the gift infront of him. It was in an envelope. I didn't get him a big material present. It was more for him and his friends. 

"You didn't." He widened his eyes as he saw I had gotten him and the guys tickets to the upcoming football game. The Green Bay Packers vs The Miami Dolphins. He was a packers fan. 

"I did. It's for you and the guys. I feel really bad because you spend so much time with me and never really you know, spend time with them?" I said and he leaned over immediately and kissed me. 

"God I love you. So much. I love you so fucking much." He groaned happily as we got out his car and walked in, he was like a child when we approached his friends. I guess they're our friends now since I seem to be friends with them all too.

"Are you okay, love?" Louis asked, immediately coming over and hugged me. I hugged him and laughed, telling him I'm okay. The other boys followed in suit before I was surrounded by my friends who hugged me. 

"Are you okay?" Amber basically sobbed and I nodded. 

"God you scared us! Nobody knew where you were!" Nessa shook. 

"We thought you were sick, come to find out you're in the hospital." Danny shivered. 

"We thought we lost you kiddo. Worst feeling ever." Michael let a tear slip as he took his turn to hug me. 

"We know we haven't been great friends lately. We haven't visited as much as we used to and we're sorry. We used to be so close and now we're just like whatever. We're going to visit more. We'll get back to normal. I promise." Alex squeezed me and I chuckled, my heart ached at the realization they had. 

"Did Josh fuck up his face?" Michael asked as Harry slipped his hand around my waist. 

"No, I did. Josh pulled me off the little prick. If I had it my way he would be six feet under now." He growled, pressing a kiss to my temple. 

"Oh." Nessa looked shocked, as did everybody else. I smiled up at Harry who only winked back. 

"So, what gift did she get you today?" Zayn changed the subject and Harry laughed. 

"She got us tickets to the football game. Packers vs Dolphins. Clear your calendar boys." Harry grinned and they all looked shocked as they all hugged me again. 

"Okay, let's not break her." Harry chuckled and I froze when I saw Jerry. He waved but I was so scared of him my immediate reaction was to hide in Harry's chest. Harry's heart raced, I could hear it in my ear. 

"Don't fucking talk to her, prick." He snapped. I didn't even look up at him to know he had walked away. Harry led me to class and sat down after pulling my chair out for me.

"You alright?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I offered him a small smile as I pressed my lips into a straight line shortly after. 

"Hey, I wanted to talk to you about this weekend." I cleared my throat and he looked at me. "You know how I said I had a gift for every day until your birthday?" I asked and he nodded.

"How would you feel about going to this little lake house we own in the woods? It's my favorite place on earth and we would go Friday stay till Sunday morning to get you home in time for your parents to spend some time with you on your actual birthday." I asked and he narrowed his eyes. 

"Is it a party because baby, I really don't like parties anymore. Especially on my birthday." 

"No, baby. It'll be just us two." 

"So we'll be alone?" He smirked and I nodded, tilting my head in confusion. "Yes why? If you're up for it?" "Nothing darling. Must have something big planned dragging me out there." "Yeah I'm planning to break up with you out there." I joked and he rolled his eyes at me. 

"I'd love to go. Let me talk it over with my mom." I nodded at his answer happily as we went about our day, the thing I dreaded was asking my mom. Harry dropped me off at home after school so he could ask his mom and I can ask mine. I think he suspected of my hidden agenda.

"Hey mom." I sat next to her on the couch, eating some of her popcorn. 

"Hey mija. What happened?" She asked and I batted my eyelashes. 

"Harry's birthday is on sunday." 

"And?" She smirked, she knew I wanted something. 

"I really want to go to the lake house with him. We'll be back on sunday so he can spend the weekend with him and be really really selfish and have his attention and give him attention." I stuck my bottom lip out as she laughed, pausing her show. 

"You mean to tell me that you want to take your boyfriend 2 hours away from here so he could give you and you alone his sole attention?" She asked and I nodded furiously. 

"If Anne says yes, go ahead but be careful Grace. I mean it." She said and I squealed happily, hugging her. 

"Thank you!" 

"Yeah yeah." She rolled her eyes and I sprinted up the stairs, calling Harry. 

"Mine said yes." He answered and I squealed. "Yeah? Mine did too. Babe we're going to have tons of fun. We're going kayaking and swimming and walking and a bunch of other cool things." I ranted on, I could hear him laughing at me. 

I was going to get him to have sex with me. All weekend. 

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