Chapter 1

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Edited (May 17, 2016)

Amanda's POV:

"I cannot believe you are making me do this" I whisper yelled at the four musketeers aka my friends and my brother.

"You know I've stopped acting and you actually want me to pretend as Anthony's pregnant girlfriend. PREGNANT!!!! You've all lost your mind. I do not want to die in the hands of a cruel-la, and from the rumors I've heard of her it basically tells me to never meet her and never get on her bad side."

"I know you're scared about this but please, I need your help. You're the only person who I trust when it comes to this, and I knew you'll be the only person to actually help me. Yes i know my fiance soon to be wife is a bitch but Do you really think I'll be here, sitting and asking for your help to stop this wedding if I loved her? No I wouldn't be, because I don't love her. She's a cunning bitch, who trapped me in her plan and somehow got me engaged to her. I'm begging you to help me for once." Anthony said

I looked at my brother and his friends, who i also consider as my brothers. These four have raised me ever since I was a kid. My parents had died in a car accident leaving me and my brother alone with no estrange family. We only had each-other to protect but thankfully Charles (my brother) and his friends were there to take care of me. They've been there for me whenever I needed them. Helping me with my homework, boys problems, first periods, you name it and they've done it.

I knew I could not see Anthony so sullen, like as if he's just lost the meaning of life by being engaged to a witch and him asking my help is a big step, because he's always been the one to help me not me to him. But I knew I had to do this for the sake of my family, my boys.

I nod my head to the four eager guys. James, Landon, Charles, and Anthony. They were all so happy by my acceptance that they hurriedly got up from their chairs and started kissing my face and saying thank you over and over.

I could see the other people at the restaurant staring at us,obviously why wouldn't they? I'm an only girl with four guys and now they're kissing my face.

"It's okay,now would you please stop kissing me because everyone is staring at us, and by everyone I mean everyone" I whispered

They all stopped and looked around them to the silence of other customers in a restaurant. I could see they didn't know what to do. They awkwardly smiled at them and sat back on their chair.

"Now to the main part, I know I have to act as your pregnant girlfriend but Anthony, as you see I'm not pregnant so please enlighten me about how I'll be stopping you marriage that is in one week?" I said.

"Don't worry about it, I've got everything covered, all you have to do is relax. " Said Anthony

I nod and look at my brother, "I thought you were supposed to help me and tell me not to do this, but here you are actually agreeing to this Charles." I say

Charles smiled and started to apologize for not helping me but i understood, Charles was always close to Anthony and seeing him sad and depressed because of Katy (Anthony's Fiance) he just couldn't bare it.

"Amanda you've always been great acting, even during your high school, remember how many awards you use to win, because of that i knew only you could do this, your acting makes other people believe it's real." Charles says.

I smiled at my family and get up and hugged them.

"Okay guys, I'm going to leave now, so let me know about the plan and do come by my apartment so we could talk through it. Oh and before i leave since I've agreed to this, you know what you have to do..." I say.

They all look at me and I could see them hating this part of the deal. You guys must he wondering what it is?

Well it all started when I was young. I had made James, Landon, Charles and Anthony promise me that every time they needed my help and if I agree to help them, they would pay me. Like a deal of sort. This way I benefit something and they as well by me helping them. You would think that they didn't actually need that much help in anything, well you're wrong, these boys have asked me to help them so many times, like you have no idea how many. I've saved them from ex-girlfriends, obsessive girlfriend, getting caught by their fathers, getting drunk and beating guys and then bailing them out of jail and way more.

James smiles at me and says "money has already been transferred into your bank account, you'll be getting them sometime tonight. I know that a minute you find out you've got the money you'll go on a shopping spree with your best friend Tessa so be careful."

I nod and leave the restaurant thinking about what I've gotten my self into. But whatever it is, I will always protect my family and do anything for them.

Hey Guys, this is my new story so please vote and comment, would be appreciated.

Love you all ❤️

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