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B E F O R E   Y O U   R E A D ————————

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B E F O R E   Y O U   R E A D

• Please do not steal/ Plagiarize My work. Thank You! ☺️

• This book has very gory details that may be disturbing to some readers!

• if you aren't comfortable with
Any same sex action, please
Stop reading now!

• Sexual scenes
•A LOT of Strong Language

•Rude comments will be blocked

• There might be spelling errors, I'm
Sorry, I'm human and I make mistakes.

R E M E M B E R • T O...

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💬 Comment any mistakes if made. Also just drop comments like normal lol.

 Also just drop comments like normal lol

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❤️ ~A

His psycho girl (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now