♕ E P I L O G U E - PART 2 ♕

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♕ P E R S E P H O N E ♕

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"Ryker!" I call out while walking to our room.

"Yes baby?!" He calls back.

"Have you seen bullet? It's his bath time." I say when I walk into our room.

"Nope, maybe with Princess."

"Davina! Where are you hiding bullet?!"

"Uh, I don't have bullet!" She yells back.

I roll my eyes at her bad lying and go towards her room and into her 'secret' room.

"Give me bullet, he needs a bath." I say while spotting him.

"He hates baths!" She whines.

"Ugh, do you wanna take a bath with him?"

"Yeah!" She exclaims before getting out out her little hiding room.

After taking her bath and putting her and the pups to bed, I finally make my way to our room and flop down on the bed. Ryker gets up and goes to where my feet are before bringing one up and starts massaging them.

"You're such a great mom, you're a beautiful woman and a outstanding wife." He compliments. Making me smile.

"Are you gonna always gonna say that when I come to bed?"

"Yes, I'll always make sure you're doing a great job and how you look while doing it." He winks at me.

"For a killer you sure do have such a red, beating, heart." I chuckle.

"I can say the same for you." He smirks.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

And that's our story.

Of how I Persephone blaze...well, Persephone King now, became

His Psycho Girl.

I'm so happy and sad, I'm great full for all my readers and for some people who messaged me telling me how they liked my book

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I'm so happy and sad, I'm great full for all my readers and for some people who messaged me telling me how they liked my book. Thank you so much! 😭💙 I REALLY enjoyed writing this book even though sometimes I had some writers block lol. Thank you all for reading this book and supporting with votes, it means a lot to me. Don't worry, this isn't the end for Persephone and Ryker, you'll see them a couple times in the next book.


S h a r e 🔗

V o t e 🗳

C o m m e n t 💬


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