♔ E P I L O G U E - PART 1 ♔

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♔ R Y K E R ♔

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"Baby, have you seen our little girl?" I say with fake confusion. I hear a little giggle behind my wife's legs.

"Nope, sorry, haven't seen little monster." She smiles and shrugs.

"Hm, that's weird cause I could've sworn..." I slowly creep towards Persephone, "she's right," I slowly look behind her, "here!"

She giggles while I grab her and throw her up the air and catch her. I put her over my shoulder and keep going, grabbing her ankles I start running around the kitchen with her laughing.

"Ryker put our daughter down before you drop her." My wife says while rolling her eyes.

I pull her back up and rest her against my hip. I walk towards my wife and kiss her on the cheek.

"My mommy!" She glares at me before leaning in and kissing where I kissed her.

Me and Persephone laugh, Davina puts her hands up for Persephone and she grabs her.

"You traitor." I fake hurt.

"Sorry daddy, I like mommy more." She slyly smiles.

"Yeah, daddy's lame." Persephone encourages.

"Oh. You both are gonna get it now." I glare and get ready to get them.

"Uh oh, we gotta go!" Persephone yells while running with our babygirl.

"There's no running from me!" I yell back while chasing them.

We chase each other around until the pups come out their room, from their nap, they start barking and chasing me.

We run until they go back to the front room and 'hide' behind the couch.

"Oh where oh where could my Princess and Queen be?" I sing.

I slowly look into the kitchen, going around the counter island, I hear giggles when going to the living room and see the three little pups barking at me to distract me from looking at the 'hiding' spot.

"Hmm, are you under the couch?" I say aloud and look, "no? Ok, are you BEHIND the couch?" I say before walking towards the couch.

"No, we're in the kitchen again daddy"

"In the kitchen? Well I guess I better go check then." I say and make stepping noise before hiding on the other side of the couch.

I hear shushes before I see Persephone get up slowly gets up, before she can make a run for it, I grab them, making them scream and sandwich ourselves on the couch. The girls are laugh while I tickle our Princess and then kiss my Queen's face.

"Got you!" I growl and kiss both of them.

"Daddy! You tricked us!" Davina whines.

"I got you didn't I?" I chuckle.

"Meany" Persephone says before sticking her tongue out, Davina sees her do it and copies her.

I chuckle before kissing my beautiful wife on the lips and then kissing my gorgeous daughter on the cheek.

Finally, everything is perfect.

All mine.


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