♔ F I F T E E N ♔

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¡WARNING!sexual content!

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"Busy?" I whisper in her ear.

"How do you always know where I am?" She raises an eyebrow at me.

"I smell the need of a good fuck on you and follow it." I chuckle

"Har har. So funny." She rolls her eyes, but I see the smile that was creeping on her beautiful face.

"What are you doing tonight?" I throw my arms over her shoulders.

"I haven't had a good kill in a while." She shrugs. That one answer just got me slightly hard.

"Cancel, we're gonna do something fun."

"Oh really." She turns to me and raises her eyebrow with a slight smile.

"Yup." I pop the 'P' before getting up and walking away.

It's gonna be really fun.

After school

I skipped my last class to wait for Seph. I love how she's always so curious on how I practically know her every move. That's for me to know and her to, eventually, find out.

"Wow, you are a very committed stalker. I don't know if I should admire that or be freaked out." I hear my beautiful Devil's voice.

"Both." I smile at her. She rolls her eyes with a slight smile and keeps walking to her car. "Where do you get your cars from?"

"Places." She looks back and winks. "Where we headed."

"I'll drive us there." I say, grabbing the keys she was bringing out, and run to the car.

I go to the passenger side and open the door for Hell's Queen. She gladly steps in and throws her bag and books in the back. I close the door and go to my side and get it.

35 minutes later

"You know, I'll kill you before you kill me right?" She turns and smiles.

"It's not each other we're killing." I chuckle.

"Right. Cause it's natural for a killer to bring his victim to the woods."

"That would make sense if you weren't a killer yourself."

"Shut up I know." I hear her mumble to herself. I smirk knowing she does this sometimes.

His psycho girl (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now