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Want a dedication? Give this book and my other book 'His Quiet Girl' some
love with votes. When done,
comment on my wall
or message me! I'll make
sure to dedicate you in my book.

Also if you have some good book to
give me some inspiration for
'His Stripper Girl' is REALLY
appreciate those. If worst comes
to worst I'll probably re-write
the book to my get inspiration
again, for now, it'll be on hold.

Did I forget to...


You guys are truly amazing which is why I wanna dedicate all you lovely readers to show my appreciation

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You guys are truly amazing which is why I wanna dedicate all you lovely readers to show my appreciation.
I truly do thank you guys!
And if you can, please share my books
My goal is 1m, Ik it's a long way,
But with your help, I'm sure
I'll make it there.

Also, don't be shy about giving
Me ideas about
Books I can write about.
I love writing even though
I get writers block. Lol

Alright, thanks again!
I love the good
Comments, please, encourage
Me with them lol. It honestly
Really does help readers
Write more when they see
Amazing and positive


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