♔ T W E L V E ♔

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♔ R Y K E R ♔

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I wake up from my peaceful sleep feeling someone on me, I look down and see Persephone on me. Her arms grabbing onto my waist, her legs on either side of mine. This is perfect. I wrap my arms around her, pulling her closer. Her even and calm breath hitting my neck making chills run down my spine.

After a half an hour of closing my eyes and taking in this calm, amazing moment. I finally hear a little groan before she starts stirring. I kiss the top of her head while she wakes up more and more.

"Where am I?" She asks in her cute sleepy voice.

"My temporary place." I say while rubbing her back soothingly.


"Because you fell asleep in my car, so I brought you here."

"You kidnapped me you perv. But as long as you keep doing that I'll forgive it." She sigh enjoying the back rub.

"Ok gorgeous."

After a few minutes of giving her a back rub, I though she had fell back asleep until I felt her hand being mine down to her butt. I stopped breathing for a little, wondering what she was doing.

"Rub." She demands.

I slowly start rubbing, after a couple seconds, I ease into it and rub without stiffening. I heard a little moan against my neck. Without meaning to, Ryker Jr. Was waking up and getting excited.

"If Jr. Down there does stop poking me, I rip it off."

"Sorry." I say nervously with my eyes wide. I try and think of every nasty thing I could and finally it was going down.

"I'm hungry, let's get food." She says quickly before getting up.

Well, I enjoyed it while it lasted.

I slowly get up from the perfect spot sooner than my liking. I grab my bag of clothes and change into a simple black shirt and jeans. As I put on my shoes, Persephone steps out with her hair up in a ponytail, makeupless, and clothes fixed. Wow.

"Well, lets go eat." She grabs her purse and walks out the door.

One step closer.

She will be mine soon.

Food is a way to a woman's heart.

I'll have her heart sooner than I thought.

Until next time.

I know this chapter sucks, but next one I'll make better

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I know this chapter sucks, but next one I'll make better. I'm just dealing with things at home, and haven't been in the mood to write.

Thanks for reading anyways!

S h a r e 🔗

V o t e 🗳

C o m m e n t 💬

❤️ ~A

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