♕ T W O ♕

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♕ P E R S E P H O N E ♕

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School. Some people would call it "hell hole" or maybe even "jail." I call it my "perfect place to find a victim to viciously kill" spot. I kill all bullies and just rude terrible people. "You're a psychopath. Why kill other mean people?" You ask? Well. I may be a psychopath but that doesn't mean I watch people get pushed around or I won't see a rapist rape a girl. No.

I'm a psychopath who doesn't accept that bull, now whether I have a heart or not doesn't matter. I'm crazy but not stupid.

In college, I'm just a normal nerdy lowlife that everyone thinks they can push around. Little did they kno, am I right? -wink-

I was putting in my combination when the door opened, in an overdramatic way might I add, Revealing the "mysterious muted bad boy" also known as Ryker King.

Now let's talk about Mr. Mute bad boy, he keeps to himself and people have rumors about him being this killer and whatever. Again, little did they know (wink). He walks, no, stomps down the hall with people looking at him. No matter how scary people say he is, girls still drool of the fact of how "bad" he is. Guys, of course, are afraid of him whether the rumors are true or not because he still can beat a guy down. Which by the way is pretty sexy if you ask me (wink). Jesus, i'm so sorry, I'll stop.....

I look up above my glasses while he passes by. He looks up, still walking, and looks me in the eyes for a moment before looking away. In all honesty, he was damn sexy. Killer or not, I'd have intercourse with him all. Night. Long . Now, you may be asking "well why don't you just say sex? Persephone you idiot," well, first off I'm not an idiot, it's called ROLE-PLAYING, idiot, because I'm supposed to be a nerd hence why I'm using big words while I'm at school. And maybe you didn't ask at all and you're just saying "hey Persephone, shut up you fake bitch and get on with the story, " and if you are one of those people.....then yes, let's continue.

Last class

I get to class early to get the seat in back because school has worn me out and I didn't get much sleep since victim number....48?..... I don't remember. Well, she kept me up all night, all she had to do was cooperate. After a few minutes in class and me finally getting tired enough to start dozing off to sleep. The door opens. I annoyingly put my head up from my arms and see Ryker walking in, not acknowledging the teacher nor is the teacher caring, and walks towards me. Specifically the seat next to me, and just flops on the seat getting comfy.

I sighed putting my head back down and closing my eyes again. Sadly and annoyingly, the idiot next to me was clearing his throat. I ignore the first one, then the second, until the third one I finally realize he was trying to catch my attention. I roll my eyes and look up at him with a bored face.

His psycho girl (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now