♔ T W E N T Y - S I X ♔

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AUTHOR'S NOTE! : So I decided to change Persephone's and Ryker's age from 18 & 22 - 21 & 25.
It won't change anything
To the book don't worry! I also changed Persephone's and her stalker's age in the last chapter from 13 & 15 - 15 & 18.

♔ R Y K E R ♔

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Jesus, if there's one thing everyone should be scared of, it's pregnant woman. They're so moody and hungry. Just scary as hell.

"Ryker!! I'm starving!" I hear Persephone call out from the room.

"You ate an hour ago!" I call back while taking a beer out from the fridge.

"Are you saying I'm fat and need to stop?!" She yells.

I spit out the drink, coughing a little before I correct myself, " n-no baby of course not. I'll get you something right now!"

"Thank you!"

I huff before making her something to eat, in a medium sized house we broke into two days ago. After making her Mac and cheese, I put some in a bowl and walk it to our room.

"Mac and cheese for you baby." I tell her walking into the room with a smile on my face.

"Thanks baby." She smiles back and kisses my cheek when I hand her the food.

"How are you feeling?" I ask rubbing her belly.

"Hungry, kinda tired. Same old same old." She says before digging in the food.

"No pains?"

"No, and I already told you that if it happens I'll let you know." She rolls her eyes.

"I know," I chuckle, "I'm gonna be gone for a bit, do you think you'll be fine for a bit?"

"Yeah, don't worry, we haven't had any texts or anything suspicious for months."

"I know, that doesn't mean I worry any less. The person doesn't happen to just disappear." I sigh.

"Well, they aren't going to get me now." She gives me a reassuring smile.

"Ok, I'll still be quick." I give her a kiss on the forehead before going to the living room and changing.

It's been 7 months since we had gotten that call from the unknown number. I called an old hacker friend of mine to trace who it is but the fucker is smart and covered their tracks.

I take a shower and get dressed quickly, throwing on a pair of black pants and a grey shirt. I kiss Persephone bye before grabbing the keys and rushing out.

Another person on the list.

Time for a good night to hunt.

Until next time.

Until next time

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