♔ S E V E N ♔

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♔ R Y K E R ♔

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Wow. She's perfect. She looks kinda familiar now that I look at her up close, that doesn't matter. She has amazing light blue eyes with some grey swirling in. She's so soft and warm. Her voice is angelic and like a siren made to attract anyone who listens. She just looks so beautiful and sexy. I just wanna wrap my hand around her throat and fuck the life out of her.

"Ryker, where are we going?" The psychotic angel next to me asks.

"You want somewhere closed off, that's where we're going," I tell her with a smirk.

"Wow, how descriptive." She says rolling her eyes.

"Don't worry gorgeous, we're almost there."

15-minute drive later

"Are we there yet?" The girl I still don't know the name of, asks for the 4th time. I'm almost gonna fuck her then kill her if she doesn't shut that pretty little mouth of hers.

"Yes, shut up already," I say driving up an abandoned house.

"Finally." She groans.

I roll my eyes and park the car. We both get out the car at the same time and walk towards the trunk to get the sick bastard. I grab him and we walk inside.

"Well, I forget my stuff in my car so I guess we'll have to make do with what's here."

"What's your name?" I finally ask her while tying the guy up on a chair.

"No way am I telling you." She rolls her eyes.

"I don't like asking twice, maybe I won't ask next time though." I look at her.

"Not. Happening."

I stalk towards her, she dares me with her eyes, those beautiful killer eyes. When I reach her, she stands straight showing her confidence. I brush her hair that's in her face behind her ear and linger my fingers behind her ear before grabbing her hair roughly, pulling it down so she looks me straight in the eyes. No flinching, or wincing. Beautiful.

"Tell me your name, beautiful killer."


"Should've guessed that smart mouth anywhere, nerd," I smirk at her.

"We gonna have hardcore sex or get to what we came here for?" She raises her brow.

"We could always do both."

"Maybe some other time handsome, he's mine I need to kill now." She knees me and pushes me away.

After recovering from the pain she happily gave me, I watch her get a broken window piece of glass and stab it right on the guy's hand making him wake up screaming. Have I ever said how beautiful she is? The way she tortures and laughs about it, the light in her eyes while she does it. It's truly a magnificent sight to look at.

After an hour of torturing the poor man, she finally stabbed him in many places and let him bleed out.

"Enjoyed yourself?" She asks walking towards me.

"You, gorgeous, have no idea how much I really did enjoy it." I winked at her.

"Good, now take me back so I can get this cleaned up." She says walking out of the room and towards the car.

She's definitely gonna be mine. Whether she likes it or not.

She's mine.

But for now, it's time to clean up.

Until next time.


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S H A R E 🔗

V O T E 🗳

C O M M E N T 💬

❤️ ~A

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