♕ E I G H T E E N ♕

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Before we start...
Id like to say you should REALLY go check out the book "Dean." It's fucking amazing! It's not a happy book, but it's still amazing. Go check it out! drunkonpoison


♕ P E R S E P H O N E ♕

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Breathe. Just breath.

I told Ryker that I was going to run errands. Now I'm driving to my stalker. Fun!

I check my phone again to make sure I'm going to the right place. I take another deep breathe before turning the last corner and seeing the sorta abandoned burger place that was TWO FUCKING HOURS AWAY. Ugh, he could've picked somewhere closer damnit!

I get out the car and walk in, greeted by a old man.

"Welcome to Gorge's Burger Joint! I'll get you a seat over here." He says before grabbing a menu and walking me to a corner spot.

I sit down and thank him before he walks off. I order a water and some fries, since I don't plan on staying long but I'm still kinda hungry.

1 hour later

This. Fucker. Stood me up. I've been sitting in this spot for an hour, not including bathroom breaks because of the water, ONE HOUR! I was very angry and was about to get up and leave before the old man stopped me.

"Here you go, some man left this for you." He gives me a small smile before walking away.

Some man?

"Wait!" I yell making stop walking.

"Did you happen to see who?"

"No sorry, it's pretty dark outside." He gives me an apologetic smile.

"It's ok, thanks anyways." I get up and leave.

Once I get in my car, I open the paper.

"You look beautiful, darling. Soon it'll just be me and you."

'What kinda freak shit is this?'

'I don't know but he's starting to piss me off.'

'Agreed. Should we tell Ryker now?'

'Not yet, we need to know who this fucker is first.'

'Alright, let's go.'

I drive back to Ryker at our new temporary house. I walk in and already smell the deliciousness of food. Mmm, I'm gonna have a good orgasm.

"I'm back!" I call out.

"Finally, what took you so long?" He said still facing the stove.

"They didn't have anything to my liking." I shrug before eating a cherry tomato from the salad.

"Well, I made dinner to make you feel better."

"Aww, almost like we're a normal couple." I pout.

"Yeah, I had to kill a guy to get me the right things." He winks.

"Like I said, almost." I roll my eyes while he chuckles.

♕ ♕ ♕

After dinner we had a chill night, no killing, no sex, just relaxing. It was indeed, relaxing. We're on the couch watching movies. After the first movie was over, Ryker got up to pick out another when my phone made a *ding* noise from my phone.

"Who is it?" Ryker asks.

"Probably wrong number, been getting those for a bit, nothing important." I shrug and look at my phone while he puts on another movie.

" I shrug and look at my phone while he puts on another movie

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'He's watching...'

I look around the room and see nothing. I take the blanket off me and slowly stand up.

"I'll be right back." I leave before hearing Ryker's response.

I go upstairs and look at the window showing the front. Before I think I'm crazier than before, I see something or someone run out into the woods.

This fucker isn't getting away with this.

He messed with the wrong bitch.

Until next time. (Wink).


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