♔ F I V E ♔

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♔ R Y K E R ♔

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"Where is he?" I ask calmly while holding the stupid bitch by her throat against the wall.

"He h-hasn't came h-home yet. H-he must still be at w-work." She says with the air she has left to use.

"Well, I guess it's up to you to call him and tell him to hurry up and get here before I start cutting fingers till he gets here. And if he's not here when I finish the fingers then we'll do the toes." I say before dropping her on the ground. I grab her purse and throw it at her.

She gulps the air that I took away from her while quickly looking for her phone. What can I say, I take people's breathe away.

"H-he's not answering." She says typing numbers again.

"I'll try." I snatch the phone out her hand and see she typed '911.' I give her a deathly look and see her physical gulp. "Calling for someone?" I raise my eyebrow.

"No." She shakes her head frantically.

"No? So the numbers just appeared?" I step forward while she steps back.

"I-I...no I don't-" She stutters for the right words.

I quickly grab her hand and the knife next to it and chop her finger off.

"AHH!" She gave an ear piercing scream.

"Listen, sweetheart, I'm not here to play games. So you better hope your husband answers his phone or I'll continue to cut your fingers off." I say gripping her neck.

I let go and she quickly calls her husband again and succeeding. I mouth to her to put it on speaker.

"Yes, Astrid?"

"Hey ho-honey Uhm, just wanted to t-tell you that you h-have a guest." She gulps.

"I'm on my way now." He hangs up.

"You've been a great help." I wink before cutting her throat.

20 minutes later

I finally hear the keys twist the lock. When unlocked I hear the keys being thrown in a bowl.


"She's not available anymore," I say looking at her limped body with blood coming out.

"Wh- oh my god. Astrid!" He yells running to her body. "What have you done to my wife!" He yells at me.

"She was only useful for so long."

"What the hell do you want?" He holds his wife's hand.

"You don't remember me? I'm truly hurt. I guess all those times we had together in the psych ward meant nothing to you." I put my hand over my nonexistent heart.

"Ryker?" He looks up at me with wide eyes.

"The one and only," I smirk.

"H-How'd you get out?" He says slowly getting up and backing away.

"I have tricks. Now let's get back to why I'm here. You know the reason, don't you?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I-i was only helping you, Ryker." He backs to the wall.

"Right." I nod and keep walking to him.


I walk up to him and grab him by the throat with both hands. I slowly put pressure every few seconds. He smacks punches, kicks, anything he can do to get my grip off his neck and stop the suffering of not being able to breathe. After a few more minutes his eyes start closing and he stops struggling.

I make sure to clean all of my tracks before finally leaving. I get in the crappy temporary car and drive back to my place.

After 10 minutes of driving the stupid piece of shit breaks down on me. I hit the steering wheel before forcefully pushing the car door and getting out. Slamming the door I just ditch the shit and continue walking.

About 3 and a half miles in, I hear a faint yelling. I look around and wait for the yelling again, a few seconds and the yell is heard again. I start walking towards the direction of where I think I hear it. I see an abandoned house. The yells get louder as I get closer, I walk up to the house and look through the windows. What I saw was not only arousing but amazing. The woman was cutting the skin of the man that was tied up to the dining room chair. I saw the beautiful psycho smile while torturing the guy.

Her black, soft looking, shiny hair flowed gracefully down to her waist. She had fairly tan skin and a gorgeous body. She looks like any man will bow down to her, the most beautiful psychotic goddess I've ever seen.

I give her one last glance at her gorgeous self before continuing to walk to an expensive and empty looking house I spotted earlier today. I check the around the door for a key, luckily there was. Fortunately for me, the house didn't have an alarm. Idiots. I walk in and search through the rooms for men's clothes, grabbing a pair of sweats, I walk to the shower and take a nice and needed shower.

Deciding to just sleep here, I lay down on the king size bed and sigh of how amazing the bed feels. Before falling to a dreamless sleep, I think of the beautiful goddess I seen earlier.

Tomorrow I will search for her.

She WILL be mine.

But for now, I need some sleep.

Until next time.

So Wattpad wanted to mess with me rn and deleted half of this chapter, so I had to rewrite it

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So Wattpad wanted to mess with me rn and deleted half of this chapter, so I had to rewrite it. Yay! (Sarcasm noted). Hope you enjoyed the chapter.


S H A R E 🔗

V O T E 🗳

C O M M E N T 💬

❤️ ~A

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