♕ T H R E E ♕

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♕ P E R S E P H O N E ♕

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Ah. Another day at school. Everyone is still talking about what happened to my last victim, David Andrews, which happened two weeks ago. people need to let things go, I mean it's not like so many people liked him, he was a jackass who only had 'friends' because he was in sports and 'hooks up' with so many girls. which personally to me is pretty gross but whatever.

Anyways, back to what's happening. While I walk go my locker an annoying human being decides to push me near my locker knocking my books down. of course, Octavia Marigold. The girl I plan on taking my sweet, sweet time killing and enjoying doing so. Until then she will have to wait for her torture. When I'm about to pick them up her stupid little sidekick kicked them further. Heather long, now her, I can put next in my kill spree.

"Sorry, you I didn't see you there," Octavia says with a smirk.

"I-it's ok."

"Of course it is." She rolls her eyes and walks away.

How I just wanna wrap my hands around her neck and give her a painful death.

'Soon seph.'

"'Soon' better come fast then," I mumble while picking up my books.

After picking up all my books I make my way to my to second to last class. When turning the corner I accidentally bump into a goddamn wall.

'Oh you poor thing, that's no wall seph'

I look up and see the one and only. Ryker King. Of course, this is my day. In all honesty, I will enjoy having my way with him, if you know what I mean (wink), before killing him. He may not seem all that, but his attitude makes me wanna rip him apart.

My crazy thoughts were cut off when Hulk, over here, decided to put his hand on my throat and slam me to the wall.

"Watch it." He growled out like an animal.

"Relax Superman don't shoot your laser eyes," I say sarcastically, already hating my day.

He put pressure on my neck starting to close my air pipe.

"You should learn who you're speaking to sweetheart." He gives an evil smirk.

"Funny, I should say the same to you. Sweetheart." I smirk back.

He pulled me away from the locker only to slam me back to it, very hard might I add. No worries, I like it rough. Hehe (wink wink).

His psycho girl (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now