Chapter 29

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When I woke up I felt groggy, and the first thing I noticed was that I was no longer in that bean bag chair. I was in a twin sized bed, and the room was empty. I jolted up, my eyes searching the room. No one was there, my heart race began to speed up. "Hello?" I called as I got up to my feet feeling uncomfortable. No one was there. "Katrina? Matt?" I called walking through the empty space.

I was scared at this point, I didn't know how I got there or why, so I could feel myself shaking. I walked toward the door, which was hard to locate, and reached for it. That's when I turned the doorknob, and opened it. I couldn't tell where I was at which only made things worse, and I could feel the surge of tears about to spring from my eyes. But I headed out the room leaving the door open behind me. I had no idea where I was going but I calmed down considerably when I noticed Matt walking towards me with worried looking eyes.

"You okay?" He squinted his eyebrows grabbing me tenderly by my good shoulder and placing his other hand gently lower on my hurt arm. He walked me back to my room shutting the door behind him. I Then nodded, forcing the tears that were forming away from my eyes. "Hey what's wrong?" He walked toward me wrapping his arms around me.

"I woke up and I didn't know where I was." I shook my head trying to calm myself down. "Matt?"

"Yeah?" He questioned looking carefully at me.

"Please stay with me. I'm scared, my arm is hurting, and I miss you." I felt embarrassed saying it as I looked to the floor, but Matt didn't seem taken aback by it. Instead he let me sit down on the bed and wrapped a arm around me.

"I'm not gonna go anywhere Des. I'm right here, and you gotta rest your shoulder a little bit, it needs to heal properly." He leaned against the wall looking at me. "It's time for you to take another pill isn't it?"

I shook my head not wanting to talk. Instead I just leaned into Matt weakly as he reached into his bag for my medicine shortly after which he handed me the pill. I raised my head looking at the white pill groggily. I really didn't like it all that much, I knew it helped me with the pain so that my shoulder could heal, but I didn't like how it made me feel, I didn't like feeling all loopy all the time. I also didn't like how I wasn't able to control myself all to well on them.

"I know you don't like it-" Matt started to say before I cut his train of thought.

"I know, I need to take it, or the pain won't go away and I'll be putting stress all over my shoulder, yada yada yada." I sat up pushing my hair away from my face. Matt chuckled, and placed the medicine in my hand as he put the bottle back in the bag on the floor beside him.

I watched him for a second, the room was light in tiny lantern light but my eyes had become adjusted to it by then."What is it?" Matt tilted his head to the side watching me curiously. It caught me off guard.

"Uh, nothing." I shook my head forcing my gaze away from him as I swallowed the pill in my hand without any water. To be honest at that point I was hungry and thirsty, but still too prideful to ask anybody for anything. So I just leaned back in the bed and stared at the ceiling.

"You were asleep during dinner, I can grab you something if you like?" Matt said waiting for an answer.

"No I don't want to be here alone, can't I go with you?" I whined crossing my arms as I frowned at him.

"As long as you don't try to move you're damn arm, cause it'll just get worse if you do." He helped me to my feet being careful not to touch my shoulder.

"I know that okay." I huffed, rolling my eyes at him as we walked to the door. "I want to heal as badly as you want me to, if not more." I let my eyes fall to the floor. "What I really want to do is forget how it happened, I can't shake this feeling that Ash was telling the truth, you know."

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