Chapter 15

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It all happened too quick, I couldn’t block the attack that came from behind me. Before I knew it, the knife was slapped out of my hand, and it slid to the other side of the room within seconds. I didn’t even have enough time to turn around before the attacker had ahold of me. I couldn’t move they were too strong, and I was weaker than them. Even when I felt like I’d never get out of their hold, I didn’t stop fighting.

“Let go of me. Who the hell do you think you are?!” I growled, still not able to see my attacker. I heard a deep laugh that only made me even more outraged at the situation. I didn’t stop struggling, I pushed my arms back and forth until I finally had just enough room to slip one arm out of the man’s grasp. I didn’t think before I swung at my attacker and twisted completely out of their grasp. This barely gave me enough time to distance myself from my attacker. Before I looked at them I grabbed my knife once again, pointing it in their direction. To my surprise they weren’t moving. I felt my heart racing, and stared at the pendomite uniform infront of me. “Wh- what do you guys want from us?” I stuttered frantically.

“That’s confidential.” The soldier spat.

“I doubt it was worth killing my mother, yet y'all did it anyway. You bastards beat her to a pulp, and then you killed her, for no good reason!” I screamed at the soldier. “My mom was innocent, she never hurt any of y’all, but you just think it’s okay go off and kill whoever you please.” I laughed and shook my knife in his direction. “That was my mom…” I muttered.

“I don’t call the shots kid, I had nothing to do with that.” The soldier started with no sign of emotion in his voice. “But, maybe this time will be different, just maybe they’ll listen to me.” I could see the pride and hope in his face. It sickened me.

I shook my head laughing nervously. “You ever think that maybe you people are going at this all wrong?” I questioned, still pointing the knife at him, ready to attack at any moment.

The soldier just glared at me in disbelief. “Well, did it ever occur to you that maybe, everything your father has ever told your nation about us, is just a complete and utter lie.” He growled, staring at me with a look that would kill. “Ever occur to you, that your father may be using the exact same tactic we are right now to get us to stop?” The soldier gave a dry laugh. “This is war honey, people die, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“What makes you think that?” I whispered nervously.

“Nevermind that, we’re wasting time.” The soldier ran at me. I jumped aside trying to stay out of his way. “Don’t struggle, this will make it so much easier on the both of us.” He rolled his dull green eyes.

“Don’t touch me, I swear to God if you do, I will kill you.” I said in a quiet yet confident tone, trying to sound intimidating.

“I’d like to see you try.” The man spat.

I felt my heart racing as I looked around the house trying to map out an escape route. Matt’s tree house was relatively small, so getting around the man wasn’t going to be easy, but it was possible if I could have the guts to kill just one more animal. If I could hunt… Then why wouldn’t I be able to kill this man. But he was blocking the way out as of that moment.  I knew close up combat wasn’t going to be the best option. I didn’t think, I swung the knife in his direction aiming it for his chest.

Then before I knew it, he had the knife in his hand staring at me with the evilest glare. “That was cute, thanks for the knife, it’s nice, looks expensive.” He smiled at the knife and laughed. “Now that you have no way out of this, maybe you should just give up.”

“I don’t think so.” I gave a wicked grin realizing what I had in my boot compartment. I unzipped it, and pulled the leather glove tightly over my hand along with my two sided blade, which made it almost impossible to catch. You needed some damn good training in order to catch this thing. I knew I had him stuck now, but I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t kill the man. He had a life too, he was a person, he had a family, he was someone’s son, if I did this than I would be the reason someone lost their child.

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