Chapter 35

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"I know what'll cheer you up." Matt caught my attention with a nod.

Scrunching up my eyebrows at him I slightly tilted my head as I replied. "What do you have in mind?"

"I have no idea." He shrugged his shoulders while smirking at me. "Come on." Matt grabbed my hand and led me out of the bunker dragging me through the dark concreted halls that were barely lit by candles hanging above our heads.. I mean it really was a wander that everyone here seemed to more than I did about anything inside of the place. I mean we all had been here for the same amount of time but I seemed to be the only person that didn't really know where I was at while I was there.

"Matt seriously where are we?!" I complained as I let go of his hand. I shook my head looking around the place. Every hall looked exactly the same how was he able to get around this maze? "I don't like to be lost Matt." I frowned at him being serious as I stared curiously around us.

"I won't let you get lost just stay with me." He chuckled waving his hands for me to follow him. So even though I didn't want to, I still did follow him. Matt just seemed to have a pull to him that I couldn't get out of. It was intriguing, how could someone make you lose your sense of time, and your sense of sanity all at once? I don't know, to be honest I didn't really know what else to do but feel like that when I was around him. I couldn't help it.

We came to a stop eventually and to be honest we hadn't really walked all to far it just seemed like it because I literally had no idea where I was at at that point. But I noticed Matt lift a huge rock from the ground, it was covering a hole and I was actually kind of amused to see him try and act like it wasnt heavy as he put the, well I guess you could call it a boulder, on the ground.

"You shouldn't be doing that, your arm-"

"My arm? Oh no my arm is fine, it's just a little sore."

"Wait I thought you broke your arm?" I quizzed.

"No." His answer seemed to be a lie because his voice shook a little and I saw his eyes slide slightly to the left as he stared down at me.  

Honestly I didn't know why he would lie to me about something as simple as that but, you know how men are sometimes, there was no reason to judge him for the way he was acting. For all I knew it was just a boy being a boy. So I just nodded my head at him.

"What's down there?" I let my gaze fall to the big opening in the floor.

"Guess you'll have to come with me to find out now won't you?" Matt gave a laugh, but to be honest it wasn't all that amusing to me.

"How am I gonna go down there Matt?" I felt as if he were forgetting that I was still recovering from a stab wound there for a second.

"It's not that far of a drop and there's a ladder on the side of the railing. Just follow me down, don't use your bad arm of course, I'll make sure nothing bad happens."

I laughed a little remembering how this line was always said almost anytime something bad happened to me. "Sure, I've heard that line before." I mocked as he started to climb down the opening. Nevertheless I still ended up following behind him careful to climb down with an even foot placement on the railing. Matt had already reached the bottom of the railing. "Just jump now I got ya."

"Uh, how about no." I was actually laughing to the point where I almost actually fell, but almost immediately I regained my composure.

"Just like that smart one!" Matt called at me probably because he had noticed the fact that I almost fell from the railing the moment I began laughing.

Rolling my eyes I stared back at him. "Okay fine." I mumbled. I was actually afraid that if I let myself fall than Matt wasn't going to catch me, but at that point I knew I wasn't going to be able to hold myself up as long as I'd intended to. So with that information I jumped from the ladder flinching as I hoped he would actually follow through with his end of the deal, and I do have to admit, he was right, it really wasn't that far of a fall. Because it wasn't that long before he had my feet planted on the floor. Don't get me wrong, of course I was still shaken up a bit from the drop, but what I saw when i opened my eyes down there was even more to be shaken over.




Sorry about the short chapters they are a lot longer in the final draft im just publishing where chapter 34 actually ends!


Ps. What do Y'all think is gonna happen next? Don't forget to vote and comment.

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