Chapter Nine

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You could hear the quiet breaths of my little sister already fallen asleep... I'd been thankful for that, at least one of us would be getting a decent rest. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find peace, nor comfort in a nap. Even when that's all I really wanted.

The day just seemed to drag on. It was one thing after another constantly. I wanted some type of relief, even if it was just temporary... Although none would come. So instead I sat alone in silence, Concentrating on the sound of rain hitting the ceiling of the treehouse.
Thankfully the treehouse was concealed, just enough. Only a drop or two would seep through the walls, and drip onto the floor. On any other day the sound of rain would be complete bliss. Today was a total different story though. Everything that had happened ruined that feeling.
I held my knees to my chest trying my best to hold myself together. It shouldn't have been such a huge surprise that she was gone. But I'd seen it, I saw that innocent look in her eyes, right before the bullet pierced the air, her body hitting the ground, blood soaking her wavy-blonde hair. My mom was gone now, and I couldn't do anything about that fact.

I felt so small though, like I could never do anything for her. Like I was the biggest coward in the whole world. I shouldn't have stayed all those years, I should've been looking for her. Maybe she'd still be alive if I had looked. I could've protected her, and maybe we could've been a family again.

Although five years had gone gone by with no sign of anybody, so I had no choice but to believe that they were gone. If my mom had been alive... Then maybe my dad and brother were too. I felt hope.

It was well past midnight by now, yet there was still no sign of Matt since the last time I'd seen him. I couldn't even begin to think about what I'd do if he'd somehow gotten hurt. I did my best to keep my mind off of him. He'd be okay, he always was, but nonetheless, I wouldn't feel at ease until he showed up.

I was starting to get cold, my hands were shaking as I cuddled closer up inside my jacket. I was trying to shield myself from the chilly air. I'd already tucked Katrina in for the night. Meaning I'd been left with just my thin jacket to keep me warm, I didn't really mind it though. If one of us had to be cold I would've wanted it to be anyways. Soon enough, I was starting to drift off. My eyes were heavy, my vision blurred, and I was having trouble keeping my eyes open.

That didn't last too long though... It was quiet, but you could hear the click of a latch, and some struggling to remove it without a key. Whoever had been on the other side of the 'door' had to have known what they were doing, because only seconds later the latch swung wide open making me jump to my feet. You couldn't really blame me for lunging to the floor where I'd hidden my knife. My hands were shaking, but nonetheless I cleared my head and tried to focus completely on my target. Only seconds later a head popped up through the wooden floor where the latch stood, as reflex I swung my hand back to throw, but a familiar voice stopped me.

"Woah woah, Des, calm down. It's just me." The voice rushed, and almost as if instantly that made me drop my hunting knife with one quick movement of my hand.

Knowing it was safe to come inside now, Matt placed down a medium sized cardboard box next to the opening. He then pulled himself into the house with a quick movement. He turned to push down the heavy metal slack, and made sure it was still locked.

His sapphire orbs were now watching my light blue eyes. I must've been pale, almost as white as a ghost. I mean damn, I so easily could've stabbed him just seconds ago, and here he was, still not afraid of me. You couldn't really blame my hands shaking as I stood completely still not moving even half an inch, I'd been afraid to make even the slightest of movement. It was like I couldn't trust myself to do anything anymore.

"Are you okay?" Matt whispered still looking straight at me. I only managed to nod slightly, before I was able to get over the initial shock of the whole situation.
Hesitantly I took a shaky breath. "I don't know what's wrong with me Matt." I looked to the floor, not making any eye contact whatsoever. "I'm crazy."

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