Chapter 22

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I shook my head, not looking him in the eyes. “It's okay, I'm fine now.” I whispered quietly keeping my gaze on my lap.

Matt tightened his arm around my waist and drew a long breath. “It was my fault.” He shook his head while running his free hand through his short hair. “I shouldn't have let you-” He shook his head again as if he were trying to control his breathing. “It shouldn't have let you just up and leave like that. I- I could've lost you.”

I lifted my head away from his shoulder, then traced the skin under his jaw with my fingers. “It wasn't your fault Matt.We got in a argument, and I left, not you. Either way it wasn't your fault, Ash did this to me, not you. You're not the person who pushed that blade into my shoulder.” I whispered shakily, wincing a little as I moved closer to him. Matt looked up, he had dark bags under his eyes, which indicated that he hadn't been sleeping. Then I ran my fingers through his hair, and wrapped my arms around him the best I could, that is, with my injured shoulder.

“I won’t let you get hurt again.” Matt whispered wrapping his arms back around me.

“That's not your choice Matt, you can't always keep me out of trouble.” I told him pulling his face down to meet my eyes. We're weren't exactly face to face but it almost too close for my comfort. Quickly I dropped my hand, and looked to the floor, my whole face felt as if it were on fire. “I can handle myself.”

Matt grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “That much I'm sure of.” He smiled, his whole face seeming to brighten along with it. “Though, it's not horrible to need help sometimes.” He laughed throwing his head up. “It makes me feel like Mr. Prince Charming, you know the dude that rides up and always saves the day.”
I giggled and punched him playfully with my good arm. “Shut up, you're so far from Prince Charming.” Matt frowned, giving me a fake hurt expression. I laughed a little more giving him another real smile. “Come on you know you're not ‘Prince’ material.”

Matt chuckled. “That's not what Sarah thinks.” He winked knowing that the simple comment was going to get under my skin.

I felt my whole face redden, and for some reason I actually felt like my heart dropped, even if Matt wasn't being serious.The last time I saw Sarah she had made me so made me so angry that I attacked her and beat her senseless. Little did Matt know she actually did have a crush on him.

“Well if you want to go to that cheap hoe, be my guess, but don't you come crying to me when-”

“God dammit, would you chill out Des, I was just joking.” His voice was playful, almost as if he was having fun just seeing me get that angry over Something like that. I rolled my eyes and looked away from Matt actually feeling horrible.

“With all that shit she's been choking on, I'm sure you'd like it wouldn't you, getting hepatitis, and having all your genitals fall off.” I mumbled under my breath, crossing my arms without moving my right shoulder.

Even though I was being completely serious Matt started cracking up, his face turning red as he gasped for air. “She does have some skills though.”

“Like you would know.” I rolled my eyes at him, and then the hospital door cracked open. It was the same nurse I'd talked to earlier. She walked into the room with a white bottle in one hand, and a medical kit in the other. The nurse looked between Matt and I then gave me a small smile. “I hope I'm not interrupting anything too special, but I brought your medication, and I need to get a look at your shoulder before you go.” I looked to Matt and he smiled squeezing my hand before he stood up and took the chair on the other side of the room.

“No you're not interrupting anything, I was just telling Matt here how he should totally go out with Sarah Alan since he just so in love with her.” I felt my stomach twist at the thought of Matt loving someone else. Though I pushed the feeling away when I heard Matt scoffing from the chair on the other side of the room.

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