Chapter 1

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Charlotte's POV

So im dating henry and its awesome! But my parents dont know that we are dating, plus they dont know we're not human! I gonna tell them but im really about how they're gonna react. Then henry pulled me outta my thoughts.
"Hey char!" He kinda jogged over to me.
"Whats wrong?"
"Nothin, just gonna tell my parents that we're dating after school."
"What bad bout that?"
"Because they dont know that we're....not human."
"And im scared how they gon' react."
"Oh char....dont be scared. Did you how hard it was when i had to tell my parents that im a vampire. Well they found out because of piper so techinally i didnt tell em." I chuckled "ok hen." Then the bell rang. "Whoo! School over!" Henry said. "Chill! It tuesday, we have to do this again tomorrow."
"Dont remind me", henry said putting his hood up. "Well aleast i know why you that hoodie."
"What about winter?"
"Oh i still wear it but i dont need to"
"Vampires dont get cold"
"Want me to turn you? You can join to a the fun" henry said like you really wanted to.
"No no im good just the way i am!"
"So you dont wanna be a hybird?"
"Aww ok cmon, we already late for work"
"Ugh! Dont i have to?! I hate that elevator"
"You'll got used to it now come on" henry said pulling me into the sun. When the sun hit his hand he winced and shoved it in his pocket. "Are you ok? "Yeah"
"Doesnt that hurt?"
"Im a vampire remember??"
"Ok then" he sounded irritated.
"Are you ok??"
"Yes!! Now stop askin me!!" He yelled. "So you dont want your girlfriend checkin on you?!!?"
"I said shut up!" I scoffed, and he sighed. "Whats wrong vampire?!"
"I dont like it when people call me that!!"
"Please only your family and us know. Thats six people!"
"My friend lucas is a vampire and he knows. Duh!"
"Ok geez"
"Whats wrong with you?!"
"You're mad at me. For what?!" Henry said very angry.
"Well you yelled at me for asking if you're ok only twice and you tell me to shut up!!"
"Because i was fine!!"
"Well you were irritated when i asked how it hurts when the sun hits your skin!"
"Becuase im a vampire we been through this!!"
"Well i forgot for a sec"
"Wow how do you forget?!?!"
"Because people forgot things!!!" I yelled.
"Wow ok you're useless" my jaw dropped. I about to cry but i quickly walked away before he could see the tears. I give henry the middle finger as i walked away.

I was crying all the way the junk n' stuff. No one was in junk n' stuff. Yay now i can cry alone!
About 20 minutes later henry showed up. Ugh!! Henry sat down in front of me. "Char..."
"What?" I said avoiding his eyes. "Listen, im sorry. Its stupid what i did and said. You were just being caring. Im sorry char. You didnt deserve that. But vampires get mad easily." I sighed and looked him in the eyes. "Char have you been crying??"
"Charlotte im really sorry"
"Im sorry"
"You dont have to say sorry. I got mad at you."
"Yeah well i give you the middle finger"
"Yeah you did" henry said smiling. "What are you smiling bout??"
"Is we good?" He said.
"Yup" i smiled. Henry pulled me into a hug. We looked into each other's eyes and kissed. Then henry picked me up and i wrapped my legs around his waist. Then ray come out and yelled "henry! Charlotte!" We both jumped. "What the heck?!"
"Can we not kiss ray?" I said. "No!!"
I scoffed. Henry said "why?"
"Well you can kiss just in front of me!!"
"Oh so can you go?" I said with sass. Henry chuckled. "No!"
"Ok" henry put me down. "Well" he hissed at ray with his fangs out grabbed ray and flipped him. "Now before i bite you i suggest you leave!"
"Ok ok im goin"

After work

Me and henry held hands on our way to my house. I sighed.
"You nervous??" He asked.
"Duh!" He chuckled.

My parents were watching TV and switched it off.
"Hey!" They both yelled.
"And who is this boy??" My dad asked. "Henry. My boyfriend."
"Your what?" My mom said.
"Yes!!!!" They both shouted.
"Good you're happy but......"
"But what" my dad said.
"He's um" i looked at henry and he mouthed "tell them."
"A vampire." Their jaws hit the ground. "And im a....mermaid."
"Good lord charlotte" my mom said. "No you cannot date this freak! And we're definately not risin' one either!!"
"But its what i am"
"No we cant char. But we're kicking you out" my dad said. "What..."
"Oh char" i knew that henry noticed i was on the verge of crying, so he hugged me. I went upstairs and shut the door behind me. Henry was in the room with me. "Char im sorry"
"Dont be"
"I dont understand why there are mad"
About 12 minutes later i was packed. "You got what you wanna take with you"
"My phone ,books and diary."
"You have a diary?"
"Now the real question is where am i gon' stay??"
"You can stay with me"
"Really? Are you sure??"
"I just wanna stay here. I dont wanna leave." I sighed and started crying. Henry went and hugged me. He sighed.

Well here starts my new life. Oh no!!!

Well here is the first chapter of my  2nd story. Hope you liked it. No one requested a part 2 of a mermaid and a vampire but what the heck?! I wanted make it more bout charlotte this time.

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