Chapter 5

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Henry's POV

My alarm went off. I groaned as i turned it off.

I went to my room and put on my clothes. "Hey hen." Piper said.
"You ok??"
"I dont wanna go to school. Not after yesterday."
"Its gonna be ok"
"No its not pipes. They beat me for being a vampire. Who knows what they're gon' do today!?"
"You wanna talk to dad?"
"No they'll just think ima wimp"
"Ok. It'll be ok"
"I wish it was pipes." She hugged me. "I love you hen. Dont forget that"
"I love you too and i wont"
"Well i gotta go to school."

At school

I opened my locker and a folded piece of paper fell out. I opened it. You're a freak!! I sighed and threw it away.

I saw charlotte. I was able to smile for the first time today.

"Hey hen"
"Whats up?"
"Nothing" im not sure whether  to tell her bout the note or not. I sighed. "Whats wrong??"
"I got a note in my locker"
"Whatd it say"
"You're a freak"
"I bet it was jasper"
"Maybe. But it wasnt his handwriting"
"You never know. He coulda made look like someone else's handwriting"
"True." The bell rang.

I sat at my desk and saw jasper. Ugh!!!
"Whats up vampy"
"Thats new" he chuckled.
"Why are you talkin to me??" He looked at the door way and snapped his fingers. Two boys came in and took me hoodie off plus i sitting in a sun lit room. I winced. "Ahhh." The boys laughed. "Come on blood sucker. Come get your precious hoodie!" One boy teased. "Guys seriously give me my hoodie." They tossed my hoodie to each other. Then they push me out the window. It hurts. I screamed in pain! I ran to the shade. I started crying...hard. It hurts. They all walked up to me. They all had knives. Oh no! They cut their hands. I breathed heavy. "Whats wrong killer?" Jasper said. My fangs came out. More blood fell on the ground. I cant hold back no more! I fell to my knees and drank their blood. "Whoa!" All of them said. I looked at them. I need more. But i dont have my hoodie. I snatched my hoodie outta their hands and put it on. I ran and ran far! I couldnt see school. Good.

I saw someone. I grabbed them. I knocked them out. "Im sorry" i whisper before bitting their shoulder. I drank and drank. After about 14 minutes of drinking their blood i stopped, i was satisfied. The person isnt dead. I ran back to school.

I was in the bathroom when i got punched. "Ow!"
"You blood sucking killer!" A boy said. I dont know who. I got kicked in my side. Then stomped on. I yelped. He kicked me over and over. "Ow! How-how d-did y-you know? Ahhh!" I said between kicks. "You smell like blood!!!" He stomped on chest...hard. I screamed and he covered my mouth. He stomped and kicked and punched. I tried to scream but his hand closed my mouth shut. It hurts so bad!  He punched me once more before leaving.

I felt alitte bit of blood on my face. I lifted my shirt. I had buries on my chest, stomach and back. Everything hurts.

I walked weakly to my locker and pushed to the floor again. Its was Bianca!
"Hello henry"
"Please i know you're a vampire"
"Yeah....everyone does." I kicked me right where the boy did. I was holding back a scream. When bianca was done  she grabbed my shirt and said "you freak. You're dead to me" and stormed off. I panted. I saw charlotte. "Ch-charlotte"
"Oh my God. Henry!  What happened. And where were you??"
"I was beat again today. Alot worse than yesterday."
"Oh....but you weren't here for awhile."
"They're not dead"
"Well what happened??" Charlotte asked.
"Three boys took my hoodie off and pushed outta window. In the bathroom a boy kept kicking me and stomping on me."
"Henry. You gotta stand up for yourself"
"You're right"
"I know." She helped me up. The bell rang. "School's over hen"

At work

"Hey ray" we both said.
"Hey. Whoa hen you ok?"
"Y-yeah." Charlotte gave me a look.
"No ray"
"Since yesterday. Jasper told my secret to everyone. And kids keep on beating me up hard. They call me names and i gotta a note in my locker today."
"Stupid jasper." Jasper came down. Great! "Jasper. Whats wrong with you?"
"Henry told me whats been goin on??"
"Oh he did! Well he's still a blood suckin freak"
"So you wanna tell people eh? Well hen. We cant have that" jasper walked over to me. He slapped me across the face. Hard. He kneed me. I groaned in pain. I pushed him. "Oh you wanna go?!"

I punched jasper and he flipped me. He pushed me, he was on top of me. I reversed it and punched him over and over. Jasper flipped me again. I got up. He kicked in the stomach. I kinda screamed. He pushed me to the floor. Jasper kept stomping on my stomach. I let out a scream. "Jasper jasper stop!" He didnt. "Seriously jasper stop!" Char and ray said. Then ray pulled him off of me. "Ahhh!"
"Kid you ok??"
"Nope. Oh God!"
"Look what you started jasper!" Char walked over. I felt like i was gonna puke! I ran to bathroom and threw up. Charlotte was next to me. "You ok?"
"No. I just threw up and everything hurts. Im getting bullied at school and now everyone knows." I started crying. Char hugged me. I sighed. She kissed me and i kissed back. "Thanks char."
"No problem. I'll help you. Ok?"

I went to the couch. "Hen?"
"Do you need me to kill jasper for ya?" I chuckled. "No ray"
"You sure?"
"Yes ray"


At home

I went to the couch. "Henry?" My mom said.
"Dad told me"
"Which is?"
"At your school? Is it true they're beating you up?"
"Does this answer your question??" I lifted me hoodie and shirt. My mom sighed. "So its true? Great! Just great!"
"Yeah mom"
"Wow just wow"
"All because i broke his wrist and pushed out my window!"
"Ok. Thats crappy"
"I know"
"Can you tell me what happened??"
"Kicking, punching, stomping and kneeing"
"For real?"
"Yes. Why do you think i have bruises??"
"Can i leave?"

I sighed as i took off my hoodie. "How was your day hen?" Piper said as she sat next to me.
"Better than yesterday?"
"It hurts pipes"
"I know. I wish i could do something."
"What? Kill people?"
"No!!! I dont know hen." I chuckled "ok pipes"
"You wanna watch iisuperwomanii?"
"Yes. I needa laugh!"
"Ok." Me and her were dying.
"Oh God. Where does she come up with this?!?!" Piper said.
"I dont know but its hilarious!!"

Char climbed in the window. "Hey baby"
"Ok guys" piper said.
"What y'all doin?"
"Watchin YouTube"
"Can i join?"
"Yep" i said.
"Whoo! That girl is funny!!!!!" Char said.
"We know"


"Man did we stay up that late??" Piper said.
"Night y'all"

"Why did jasper do it?"
"I dont know. Does it hurt?"
"So much"
"I know hen. Char touched my buries. I winced. "Sorry"
"Its fine"
"Must hurt?"
"Its does char. The pain dies down, but it comes back"
"Who knows hen? They could die down a bit."
"They wont char." She sighed, then crawled into the bed next to me. "What are you doin??"
"Nothin, just laying here."
"Ok, do you think this my fault?"
"What you mean??"
"Well he told the school because i broke his wrist and pushed him out my window"
"You overreacted a bit hen. But jasper didnt have to tell the school"
"Yeah." We both yawned, and fell asleep. 

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