Chapter 4

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Lucas ⬆⬆⬆

Lucas' POV

I was walking through Swellview Park, when i saw henry.
"Whats up hen??"
"Oh hey" he sounded upset.
"Are you ok dude?"
"You sure? You seem upset"
"Im fine!" He sounded irritated.
"You wanna catch up" i sat on the bench.
"Eh" he shrugged and sat down.
"So yes"
"Ok. Whats been goin on in your life??"
"Well, my sister got hurt yesterday, i have a girlfriend, i broke my ex-friend's wrist, i almost got arrested and  i killed my third person..."
"Whoa! Th-that's awesome"
"No its not!"
"Yeah it is. Listen hen you're a vampire, and vampires kill and drink."
"Listen i almost get arrested for killing! My sister is at home right now in pain! And you think that's awesome?! I  sucked the life outta innocent people! Im not like you. I cant just do a horrible thing i forget about like it never happened! It happened and you cant cover it up, because it happened, its real. And you act like nothing happened. But guess what? It did. And you act like it doesnt matter! Everyday i wake up im overcome with a wave of regret and i cant change what i did but i wish i could"
"Wow hen. I didnt know that's how much 3 kills has effected you this much. But answer this: do you hate being a vampire?"
"I cant do anything. Im so pale that im practically a ghost. I wanna stop wearing this hoodie everyday. I wanna stop lucas.  I wanna feel the sun the sun on my skin again...without pain. I wanna stop drinking blood. I wanna stop living in the shade. I-i wanna be human again". I could tell henry was holding back tears but i didnt say nothing. "Henry, you know i wasnt born a vampire?"
"You werent??"
"No! I was kinda turnt myself into one"
" you turnt me?"
"I didnt know you'd hate being one. Im sorry"
"Well you cant fix this need to say sorry"
"Cool, so wanna hang some more??"
"No i gotta go"
"Wait how long"
"2 years"
"Dang. Well i gotta go later"
Henry's POV

I walked through the door and saw piper and charlotte dying of laughter.
"Whats so funny?"
"She....." charlotte continued laughing.
"What video?" They showed me the video. And i was dying! "Oh my God that is funny! "I know"


The next day

I walked through the doors to everyone kind of staring at me and looking away. Werid. Then i heard whispers: he's a freak. Blood sucker. Killer. I gotta admit i was alittle hurt by their comments but mostly i was confused. How would the whole school know?? The only people at this school who know are charlotte and jasper!! Ugh jasper!!! I slammed my locker and walked to jasper.
"Jasper what to heck do you do??" I whisper yelled.
"Oh i posted  you're secret to the whole school." I grabbed jasper and threw a punched across his face. The next thing i know we're surrounded by students. "What the heck man?!?! I broke you're wwrist! You want me to go for your neck?! Why would tell the whole dang school?!"
"You broke my wrist and pushed outta a window!"
"Yeah! Because you're always talkin to me. Like shut up for once!!" Before i knew i was on the floor being punched. I reversed it and was punched jasper till i saw blood! My fangs came out and everyone backed up. I breathed heavy and bit jasper's arm. I drank and drank. He winced the whole time. What a baby! I bit down harder and jasper yelped in pain. Then i remembered my promise to my sister. I cant. I stopped even though i wasnt satisfied. I cant break my promise. I wiped the blood off my mouth. Then i saw charlotte. She looked confused and shocked at the same time. "What happened?"
"So the whole school knows thats im a vampire thanks to jasper! We got a fight. I bit him but stopped."
"I'll tell you when school's over"
"Sure" she hugged me and kissed my cheek.

At lunch

About 6 minutes after i got my food, i got pushed off my seat. "Move, vampire boy" i sighed "i was sittin there"
"Well now i am" the boy said with sass.

When i was done i went to the bathroom. I saw three boys. They pushed me to the floor. "Get up freak!" One boy called me. All three of kicked me. Two in the stomach. One in the back. After two and half minutes of kicking ,they grabbed me and punched over and over. Before they left all three of them kneed  me in the stomach. I groaned in pain. They left. I clasped on the floor crying in pain. There was only 3 hours left of school but i had to leave. The cafeteria was filled so i waited for everyone to get to class. Thirteen minutes later i ran home. My dad was taking the day off. He saw me. "Henry what are you doing home??"
"I cant stay in that school dad"
"Everyone knows"
"And...they were pushing me...and kicking, kneeing, and punching."
"And in the bathroom they were these three boys and they pushed me to the floor and one boy said "get up freak" plus one at lunch called me "vampire boy." Anyway in the bathroom they all kicked me then punched me and before they left they kneed me." I started crying. I went to the couch and curled up. My stomach hurts...alot. My dad sighed. "So this all happened today?" "Yeah"
"He knows?"
"Everyone does now"
"Wow ok. All because of one dang person!"
"Yes. But i wanna be alone right now"
"Sure kid" dad went upstairs. As soon as i could see him. I cried and i cried hard. For two reason: pain and saddeness.

I heard the door open. "What happened?" Char and piper said at the same time. I told them and the time i promised piper and i wouldnt kill anymore and the time i almost got arrested for charlotte. Their jaws were hitting the floor. "Henry....why would? Im killing jasper!" Charlotte said. "And im killing the people at your school!" Piper said. "Guys no..."
"But they hurt you" piper said. "I know. And does it hurt? Yes. So much. But i dont want you to get involved"
"Ok. For you" char said.
"Pipes how bout you?"
"Sure hen"


"We should go to the bed." Piper said.
"Ok" i said.

I crawled into bed and cried again. Why jasper? Why beat me? Why me? I thought to myself. The pain died down but im not gonna get comfortable because i know everyone is gonna beat me like they did today. Char and piper walked in. "You ok?" Piper asked. "Yeah." No im not ok! I cant go back there! I sighed. " not" i finally was able to say. "Huh?"
"I cant go back there! I know that they are gonna beat me tomorrow again."
"Hen" piper said reaching for me hand and held it. "They are just people who cant see who you are. All they see is vampire you. But if they cant see you and wanna beat the crap outta you that their fault." I smiled. "Thanks piper" i hugged her and kissed her forehead. Char walked over. "She's right hen." She kissed me. "I love you both"
"And we love you"
I went to sleep dredging school tomorrow. Why me? I thought before going to sleep.

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