Chapter 9

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Charlotte's POV

I saw henry reading something at is locker. "What are you readin?" He jumped. "Char! You scared the crap outta me!!" I laughed. "Ok...but seriously what you readin?"
"If you say so" I said backing up to my locker. "I do!"
"Bye char"

Someone shut my locker. It was binaca. "Oh hey bianca!"
"Shut up!"
"Huh? I thought we were good"
"We aint"
"What do you think?!"
"Oh my God!!!" I knew exactly what she was gonna say. "Stay away from henry got it?!"
"No i dont. Its not my fault henry  didn't like you"
"And you just had to come here?!"
"Hey dont blame me. Im actually nice to people and give them space! Plus i dont try to look pretty...i bet under all that make up is a ugly girl." She slapped me. Hard. I just looked her. She walked away giving me the middle finger. Henry saw me. "Char?? Are you-- Oh my God!! Char what happened?"
"Your ex-girlfriend happened!"
"Im sorry charlotte"
"I wasnt here"
"Oh its fine" He hugged me, i hugged back. "Are you ok though?"
"Its weird cause she said she was sorry"
"And now this?"
"Yup." The bell rang. "Oh bye hen"

After class

I went to bathroom. Bianca was there.
"Hello charlotte"
"What do you want?"
"To teach you a lesson"
"Huh?" She punched me. Then pushed me to the floor, then kept kicking me over and over. She walked out. I just layed there. Then i walked out. I saw henry. "Henry!"
"Whats wrong?"
"Did you get beat?"
"By who?"
"Are you ok?"
"No..." He sighed then hugged me.

Henry's POV

Char's getting beat too. But it probably just today. Hopefully. I got another text. I wonder if this school would be better without....wait it will! U can either leave or kill yourself!!!  I sighed. "You ok?"
" fine"
"Are you sure?"

Skip to the end of school

"Hey char"
"Do you think bianca'll beat you tomorrow?"
"I dont know hen"
"It'll be ok"
"I know,thanks." Telling char it'll be ok. I dont even know if it'll be ok with me! They tell me it will, but i dont think so.

At work

"Hey ray." We both said. " was y'all day?"
"Good." Lie. I was beat. Hard. Kicked. Punched. Scratched. Slapped. And got texts and notes.  "Charlotte?"
"What happened to hen, ray?"
"He was beat and bullied"
"Put my name there"
"For real char?"
"She's still jealous"

I got another text. Geez! Doesn't person have anything better to do?!  Ur the most disgusting and worst person ive ever met!!!! Why r u still here?? Why do u exist?? No...wait am i hurting u. Ofc i am and i love that! I wish u werent here! Like not HERE: 🌎. 🔪🔪. I sighed. I went upstairs. I slid my back down the wall and cried. I didn't care at this point. Jasper came in. Ugh!!!! "Oh hey hen"
"What do you want??"
" get beat today?"
"Yeah why??"
"No reason"
"Why jasper?"
"Huh?" I stood up. "I said why? Why did have to post my secret to the whole school??? Did you even think how this could effect me??! Did you think jasper?! Do you know how bad it is??? We used to be such good friends. But now we're not"
"Yeah because you broke my wrist! And pushed me outta a window!"
"Look im sorry for that. Really. But did you have to post it? To the whole school?"
"Yes...i had to get revenge"
"But getting beat and bullied."
"I dont care! Those bullies are my friends. I gave them you're number to text you and make you more miserable. Some of those texts are from me. Half of those  beatings, i dont know those people who do it. Some i do, most i dont. But i love that you're miserable and depressed." I broke down and i didnt care jasper was in front of me. "You seriously are the worst." I walked out.

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