Chapter 11

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Henry's POV

I woke up with an intense pain in my stomach. I knew why it hurt. I walked outta the house.

I saw a woman. I was already covered in blood and bruises. I layed down on the sidewalk, trying to look as hurt as possible. The woman saw me. "Hey, you alright kid?"
"Well, where do you live?"
"I cant remember. Can you carry me?"
"Sure" She picked me up, then i knocked her out. I bit her shoulder. About 18 minutes, i stopped.

Back at home

It was still early, so i went to lay back down. Charlotte came down. "Hey henry"
"Why are sleeping on the couch?"
"I was tried"
"Too tried to walk?"
"Why are you covered in blood and buries?"
"Oh i snuck out"
"Yeah" She sighed. "You gotta stop. Where do you go anyway?"
"Nowhere. I just wandered around Swellview"
"Well we gotta go to school"
"Do i have to?"
"Yes" I gotta a text. Waste of  space. There's nothing for you here. The text is right.

At school

I went to my locker and a note fell out. Nobody wants you here. I sighed and shoved in my bag. I got 3 texts. U came! Why?! If i were u i woulda killed myself a long time ago
U dont belong here!
Why r u still alive? Aren't u tried of fighting? Sick of waiting. Tried of trying? I sighed. Yes, to all of them! "Who texted?" I heard charlotte say. I put the phone it my pocket. "No one"
"Did you get another text?"
"Lemme see" I gave it to her. She read them. "Seriously! This is such bull crap!"
"I want go home"
"Like your house"
"Yes! I miss it! I wanna sleep in my own bed. I wanna see my parents again! Its been five months!"
"They dont call or text, and when i try to they dont pick up or respond!!"
"They dont?"
"No, they dont. Why would they kick out their own daughter?! I just wanna go home"
"I know you do"
"I miss home" She started to cry. I hugged her, she hugged back. "Char...."
"I think....that they do miss you. A lot. But they just needed time to wrap their heads around this."
"For five months?"
"Thanks hen" She kissed my cheek. "I love you hen"
"I love you too charlotte."

Charlotte's POV

End of school

My phone rang. "Its my mom!" I said
"Well answer it!" Henry said, i did. "Hello?"
"Charlotte?" My mom said on the other line. "Yes?"
"Please come home! We miss you! We're sorry we kicked you out. We just needed time to figure this whole thing out. Yes you date henry."
"Seriously? You dont care im a freak"
"You're not a freak. Just come home. Please!"
"Ok" I hung up. "Well?" Hen said. I smiled. "Im going home!"
"Yes! I told you!"
"You did!" I hugged him. "This is great char! Im so happy for you"
"You're happy...for me?"
"Ok...well i gotta go. Wanna walk me?"

At charlotte's house

"Ready to go in?"
"Yeah" I went it. I saw my parents. "Charlotte!!" They said hugging me. " home! Finally!"
"We're sorry' My dad said. "Its fine"

It felt so good to home. I missed this. Things got better for me, but henry's still hurting. I looked at him. He was smiling, but i could tell it was fake. I know he's happy for me, but he's hurting on the inside. "C'mon hen. Join in on the fun"
"I cant join the fun if there's no music to dance to"
"Ok." I grabbed my phone and speaker. I played henry's favorite song, Psycho by Post Malone.

  He danced....kind of. So did i.

After the dance party, we just sat on the couch.

Henry went home. Crap! I forgot my stuff. I went to henry's house to get it.

At henry's house

"Char? What you doin' here?"
"I forgot my stuff"
"Ok" I got it.

I saw henry with a knife in his hand, and pills in the other. Crap! Another suicide attempt! "Henry....put the pills and knife down"
"Because you're gonna hurt people"
"The people who love you and care about you"
"Who's that?"
"Henry....just put the stuff down"
"No sorry. Im tried of trying. Tried of fighting. Tried of waiting." I tried to take it from him. But i was too late. Henry put the pills down his throat and cut his arms. He clasped on the floor.     

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