Chapter 15

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Henry's POV

I woke up. Jax was on the couch in my room. He never went home? "Jax?" I said. He groaned. "What?"
"You're my room"
"I am?" He said sitting up. "Oh crap!"
"Im sorry....i must've fallen asleep, but im more scared of jason. What time is it?"
"Almost 10"
"Crap! I gotta go!"
"What gonna happen?"
"You dont wanna see what that boy can do"
"Yeah bye hen...text you later"
"Bye." He left.

Jax's POV

I ran home! As soon as i entered to house, jason stopped me. "Where have you been?!" He yelled
"A-at henry's"
"Oh....ok. Why?!"
"He's my friend, i went over to his house last night, and i guess i fell asleep"
"It's 10:00!"
"I know"
"Look, im sorry, ok? It wont happen again"
"You're right, it wont." I knew exactly what was coming for me. He started beating me. He grabbed different stuff and started hitting me with it. When he was done he shoved me across the room, then went upstairs.

I got a text from henry.

H: was it when u got home??
J: bad
H: did he beat u?
J: yes
H: oh.....can u come over?
J: on my way

I climbed in henry's bedroom window. "Hey henry"
"Why did you want me to come over?" I said sitting on his bed. "I needed to see you."  He said sitting next to me. "Oh...ok"
"I gotta question"
"Where are your parents?" I froze.
"Was that not ok to ask?"
"No, its fine.But in order to answer  that question, you're gonna need to know my backstory"
"My  mom was a vampire, my dad was human"
"My mom was killed by humans...and my dad died in a car crash"
"So...i just have jason"
"But jason's human...if one was a vampire and one was a human...wouldn't he be half-vampire?"
"No...see jason was adopted, he's two years older than me cause, my parents wanted me to have an older brother"
"I was three, he was five. I knew since i saw him, he didn't like change"
"He doesn't like differnt things"
"No. And when the vampires in our family started killing, he got scared.  He got scared he was gonna get killed too"
"I get that. But are  you like half-vampire?"
"But im mostly a vampire, i still have some human in me"
"So you understand?"
"We basically the same person"
"Yeah, we are." He smiled, i smiled back.

I gotta a text from jason. Come home now freak! I sighed. "I gotta go." I said. "Why?"
"Jason!" He grabbed my hand. "Meet me at Swellview park, tonight, at midnight." He said with a smirk. "Got it." I climbed out his window. I ran home.

As soon at i got home, i got punched. "What the heck man?!" I yelled at jason. "Why are you always at henry's?!"
"He's my friend"
"Great, the freaks are being nice"
"Why are you so mean to me?!" I shouted. "You disgust me!"
"I wish i woulda died with mom and dad!"
"So do i! You're nothing on this earth. Just die!"
"Fine! If you want me dead so bad!" I yelled. I went upstairs to my room and slammed the door behind me. I got my blade and cut my wrist.

I snuck outta the house. I saw henry. "Hi." I said. "Hey. You sneak out too?"
"What bout jason?"
"He's asleep"
" how's it goin?"
"Good...for now"
"Me too"
"Well, im tried, so im goin' home"

Henry's POV

I climbed back in the window, and i saw piper on my bed, asleep. I didnt wanna bug her so i just slept on the couch in my room.

The next day

I woke up. Piper was gone, she must be downstairs. I went downstairs.  "Piper!" No answer. "Pipes!" Again, nothing. I started to get worried. Where is she?! I ran outta the house, trying to look for her. I couldn't. I can't find my sister! Piper's gone!

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