Chapter 2

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Henry's POV

I sighed as i climbed outta char's window. How could her own parents kick her out?!
"Hey char. You ready to go??"

We went to my house and my parents stopped me.
"Hey hen" my mom said.
"Hi. Is it cool if char stay here for a while?"
"Like sleep over?" My dad said.
"No, like live here? Is that cool?"
"Yeah. But why?" They both said.
"Oh because um her parents kicked her out"
"Char? Are you ok?" My mom said.
"Yeah. But can i stay here?"
"Sure" both said.

We both went upstairs and char put her bag on the floor. Then piper came in. And jasper.
"Hey hen" piper said as she gave me a side hug. "Whats up pipes?"
"Nothing just i think you took my phone."
"Huh? I dont think so. I did. Sorry."
"Its cool." And piper walked out. "Henry i think piper has you under a spell" jasper said. "No she doesnt"
"No i think she does. Cuz she'd never give you a side hug!"
"Ok?? We made up." Jasper scoffed. "Wow ok jasper."
"Im just sayin hen"
"Stop what"
"Stop talking!!"
"Ok geez"

I ploped down on my bed and put in my earbuds. "What is you listenin to now??" Jasper asked. He kept on tapping me shoulder then i grabbed his wrist and squezzed it. Hard. "Ow ow ow ow henry stop!" Jasper yelled. "Henry, seriously stop. I think you're breaking his wrist!" I heard them but i didnt listen. Then i heard his bones crack; Jasper yelled in pain. I let go. "What the heck hen???" Jasper yelled. "You wouldnt stop tapping my shoulder!"
"So i hate it!!!!!" I yelled. I just got angry at that point, then my fangs came out. Not because i was craving blood because i was mad at jasper!!  I looked at jasper and he backed up. I pinned him to my closet door. "Stop. Just stop, ok?! Im sick of you always talkin to me! Stop. Im done. Get out!!!" I yelled litterally pushing jasper out the window.  Char's jaw was hitting the floor. "Henry!!! What the heck?!?!"
"You just threw your friend out the window!"
"He's not my friend anymore"
"Ok. Are you alright??"
"Eh i dont care i never really knew him"
"What do you wanna do then?" Char asked.
"I dont know"
"I know"

We were at char's swimming place. "Why here???" Charlotte jumped the water. I chuckled. "Can i join?"
"But wont the sun hit your skin??"
"Because i'll stay in the shaded parts"
"Cool. I'll come too." I took off my hoodie shrit jeans and shoes, which left me in just my boxers.

We were swimmimg for hours. But then piper texted me. (P=piper h=henry c=charlotte l=lucas. Just wanted to do that)

P: henry can u came home pls?!

H: y whats wrong?

P: just pls came home now! someone's in r house

H: omg be there in 5

"Whats wrong?" Char asked
"Im sorry but i really gotta go!" I said frantically putting back on my clothes. "Bye!"
"Later" i ran home as fast as i could.

Then i heard my sister scream!

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