Chapter 8

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Henry's POV

I woke up feeling like crap. I dont know why...maybe cause my life is. Then i looked down at cuts on my wrist and sighed. Charlotte woke up. "Hey hen"
"Whats wrong?"
"Whats today?"
"I know, you hate school"
"Well i gotta go get ready"

Char got back with a towel wrapped around her. She picked out her outfit, and went back. I picked out mine too. I choose my oversized hoodie today. I usually wear a hoodie that fits me but not today.

"Hey piper"
"I like your shirt. Is it new?"

At school

I saw some boys talking to Bianca. They all were typing stuff on their phones. I recognized the boys right away! They're boys who keep beating me. Other people beat me too, but they do it the most. I ignored them and whipped out my phone. I still cant believe i haven't deleted jasper number. I didnt memorized it cause we always texted or jasper called me. Never have i called him. I smiled. "Why you smiling?" I heard char say. "Oh i just finally deleted jasper's number"
"Whoo!" I chuckled. "I just relized something." I said.
"We haven't been on a date in a long time!"
"Oh my God,you're right!"
"Um what do you wanna do?"
"Uh we this or that?" Charlotte said.
"How'll that help us figure what to do for a date?"
"To figure out which you like better!"
"Movies at the theater or home"
"Action or comedy?"
"Bad girls or good"
"Bad all the way!"
"I got it!"
"We can see The Spy Who Dumped Me!"
"Yes please!"
"Sure. Me or you"
"Me,i got this babe"
"Good. We can see it tomorrow at....8?"
"I'll text you"
"K baby"
"I like that"
"Me too." I kissed her, she kissed back. We did that for a few more seconds.

I opened my locker. A piece of paper fell out. "You gonna read that?"
"Um no...i'll read it later"
"K...i'll see you later." She left. I read it. Kill yourself. A razor blade was taped to it. I already cut myself once before. I saw the boys again. Here we go again. I quickly put the paper and blade in my pocket. "What?!" I said irritated. "Well" they said before trying to punch me,but i stopped them with my powers and teleported. Well this comes in handy! "Dang dude!" One of them said. Before i could use my powers again they grabbed me and took me to the janitors closet. Crap!! I tried to get out but were blocking the door. "Listen you stupid freaky piece of crap! You are messing up the school! So time to teach you a lesson so you never come here again!"
"What?" All of them just knocked me down and kicked me over and over. They stopped but one of them had his knee on my chest and kept punching me. The other one was kicking me in my side. The last guy wasnt hurting me physically but whispering horrible things in my ear. This continued for about 3 more minutes, the two guys walked out, but the guy who was whispering stuff in my ear stayed. Crap! He grabbed my neck and gripped it....tight. "Listen you piece of crap! Nobody likes you. The reason we beat you is to teach you a lesson because you're a disgusting freak and we hate you! But you keep comin' back! What would make me happy is if you were dead!!!!" He let go and walked out. I cried and i cried hard. I know i have people who love me but no one at this school , except charlotte, hates me. My hands were shaking as i reached for the blade in my pocket. I cut my wrist. I was crying the whole time. Not because it hurt but because my life....just my life. I put the blade back in my pocket. I stared at my bleeding wrist. Four cuts. I cant tell piper and charlotte especially charlotte. I cant tell people bout this. The beatings. People know. But its hard. I pulled my sleeve down and walked out.

"Um henry?" I heard charlotte say.
"Are you ok? You look....shook?"
"Im fine." I said looking down at my wrist.
"Are you beating less...terrible?"
"Actually...i didnt get beat today." I said with a fake smile.
"Oh my God. Thats awesome!! I told it'll be ok! You're fine now?"
"Y-yeah. Im great. I dont have dredge school. Except the tests and homework and projects!" I groaned.
" bout that date tomorrow night?"
"Lookin forward to it! I cant wait!"
"Me too!" Crap! Im craving blood again!
"Char i gotta go"
"Oh um later." I put my hood up and ran out.

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