Chapter 16

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Henry's POV

I looked all over Swellview for piper, i cant find her. I was really worried. Wait, there's one place i haven't looked: the place where the boys took me when they kidnapped me! I ran to that place. I saw her. She was on the floor, unconscious. Great! "Pipes!" I shook her.  "Piper! Wake up!"
"Oh, don't worry hen, she's fine." Jason said. "What is wrong with you?! She never did anything!"
"Yeah, i know." I scoffed. "You're sick!"
"And you're a freak"
"Can you stop?!"
"Stop what?"
"Oh, no, i can't"
"Yes, you can. You just don't want to"
"You're right, i don't"
"Jason, jax told me"
"Whatever he told you, he's lying"
"I know him, he tells the truth"
"Then, what did he tell you?"
"That, you're adopted, and you were scared that you were gonna be killed"
"I am"
"I don't wanna die"
"Yeah, and i got really scared"
"Why were you scared of change?"
"I-i've in and out of foster homes, and a majority of the people were, abusive"
"Yeah." His voice started to crack, tears filled his eyes. "I was scared that it was gonna be the same deal when i got adopted"
"But i was physically and verbally abused, then i took in out on you and jax"
"Why though?"
"I was hurt, i thought the only to feel better was to hurt others, but i was wrong"
"What about your parents?"
"They didn't care about me, they loved jax more. I got jealous of him, i got angry. Then when i realized, i had vampires in my family, i thought it was cool, but then they started killing i got  scared i was gonna die"
"I didnt know, im so sorry"
"I should be saying sorry to you. I hurt you"
"Yeah, you did"
"Im sorry"
"Its ok. Now that i know what you've been through, it ok"
"Thanks." He smiled at me. Piper woke up. "Im sorry piper"
"Why?!" She yelled. "Im adopted and i was abused"
"And i took it out on people, my anger and hurt, im so sorry"
"Its ok"
"You know who you should be telling this to jason?" I said.
"You're right." He smiled. "Thanks hen"
"No problem." He left.

Jax's POV

I saw jason walk in the door, i ignored him. "Jax?"
"What?" I said irritated. "You need to know the truth"
"Im listening." He told me the whole story: his past in the foster homes, how he was jealous of me, he was scared, why he took it out on me. I was shocked. "Seriously?" I said. "Yes"
"Im so sorry"
"Im sorry too, really this time. Am i forgiven?"
"Thanks jax"
"No problem"
"Can we start over?"
"Sure." He hugged me, and went upstairs.

Henry's POV

We were still at the place. "Are you ok piper?" I asked. "Kinda"
"Lets go home. Can you walk?" She shook her head. I picked her up and took her home.

At home

I put her on the couch. Then, my stomach started to hurt, a lot. I fell to my knees. "Hen, are you ok?" I shook my head. "What's wrong?"
"I need....blood." My fangs came out and i ran outta the house. I looked for someone. I grabbed him and knocked him out. I dug my teeth into his neck and drank his blood. All of it. He's dead. Crap! I can't tell anyone about this. I haven't had blood in a long time.

Back at home.

I climbed in my bedroom window and went to the bathroom. I took a shower and changed into sweatpants and a hoodie. I went downstairs. "Hey pipes"
"Hi....did you kill another person?" I froze. "Um..."
"Tell me the truth." I sighed. "Yes." I said looking down. "It's ok hen, im not upset"
"I get it, you're a vampire"
"Yep." I said sat down next to her and whipped out my phone. I watched iisuperwomanii.

The next day at school

"What up hen?" Charlotte said. "Hey"
Wanna go swimming after school?"

After school

I was outside, when i saw mike. "What's up?" He asked.
"What do you want?" He started beating me. "Get off of me!" I shouted. "No!" I used my telekinesis to push him off me. He was about to grab me when, jason stopped him. "Can you give the kid a break?"
"You've gone soft"
"Stop! He never did anything! He can't change what he is! And you need to accept that!"
"Wow...jason. That's...lame!" He hit him. They got into a fight. The principal came out. She broke up the fight and asked me to came along.

In the office

"Henry. Tell me. What's been going on lately?" I looked at them. Jason nodded his head. I took a deep breath and told her the entire story. Long story short: jason, mike, and ryan are expelled. "Im sorry..." I said. "Its fine hen." Jason hugged me. "I deserved it, and i'll regret this for the rest of my life but... can we text...maybe?"
"Sure." We swapped phones and texted each other.

I talked to jax. "Hen! Did you hear? My brother and his friends are expelled?"
"Yeah i heard"
"Yep...but i gotta go jax. Later"

At charlotte's swimming place

I jumped in the water. I just leaned against the rocks and thought about everything. For the first time, in a year, things are finally gonna get better. Im free. Im free from the beatings, texts, notes, and hurtful words. Im free from everything. "Char?"
"Yeah?" I kissed her, she kissed back. "What was that for?"
"Im free char." She smiled, i did too.
"Yes char. I dont have to dread school anymore. I can actually try to dig outta the hole i dug myself into"
"You can?"
"Yes." She kissed me. "Thanks for everything babe"
"No problem." I smiled. I was free. 

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