Chapter 6

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Charlotte's POV

I woke up next to henry. Why am i here? Oh right, my parents kicked me out. I sighed and got outta bed. Today was Saturday, so henry didnt have to get beat today. I saw piper. "Hey charlotte"
"Can i ask you something??"
"Well you just did. Later"
"Ok chill." I chuckled.
"Why are you here??"
"Oh my parents kicked out"
"They cant handle the fact the there child is different"
"What do you mean?"
"Im a mermaid" 
"Are you kidding me??! Now thats a crappy thing to throw your kid out for"
"I know"

We went downstairs. "Henry said that he's a vampire" i said.
"Yeah he is"
"When did you notice henry starting acting different??"


*henry come down wearing all black*

"Why all black?" Mom asked.
"I like it" *piper cuts hand*
*henry drank it*

End of flashback

"So basically henry starting acting different that day: wearing hoodie in hot weather, covering mouth when he sees blood, and other weird crap"
"Oh ok
"You ever think bout being one"
"Yes...but im too scared to ask him"
"You wanna be a vampire?"
"Kinda. It seems cool"
"But henry doesnt like being one, and once you're one you cant turn back"
"I know. But it seems so cool!!"
"Its tempting. Sometimes i wanna be a hybrid and ask him"
"Nice." Henry came down with messy hair. He looks cute that way, i bit my lip.
"Hey guys." He said groggy
"Hi." We both said.
"Y'all hungry?" I said.
"Starving" they both said.
"Char you dont gotta cook" henry said.
"I know. But i need food'
"Mom!!!!" They both said.
"We're hungry!"
"Make your own dang food!" We all groaned.

We all made our food. The kitchen was a mess!
"Yo who gon' clean the kitchen??" Henry said.
"Us" piper said.
"Wait what?"
"Me and char"
"Oh ok" henry went to the couch. "Are you ok??" I asked.
"Are you still tried?"
"Seriously? You look like a zombie" he chuckled.
"Well im goin" he said.
"Anywhere" his watch beeped. "Pipes we gotta go"
"Junk n' stuff"

At work

Wow i hate that elevator!! "Ray!!?" We both called out.
"Whats up?"
"Whyd you beep me??'
"Drex." When ray said that henry went into vampire mode. Why?!


"Hello henry"
"You beat the crap outta my sister. Now what do you want?!?!"
"This!" He punched henry. He growled at drex. He pushed drex, and punched him over and over. I saw blood all over his face. Henry bit drex's side and just drank. He stopped. Drex isnt dead but very very weak. "Henry?"
"You ok?"
"I want him dead!"
"Oh um uh how? Cause you cant end up in jail!"
"But the cops cant put in jail if they dont now it me."
"What bout piper hen?? You promised her." He sighed. "Then what? I cant hurt my sister and i cant end up in jail!"
"Or you just not tell anyone" i said.
"True" he was bout to bite when ray stopped him.
"Shush. I'll just blame lucas if the cops suspect anything.

Drex is dead. "Wow hen." Henry changed back. "You're fourth kill" i said.
"You good??"
"Yup. Now i gotta go home and get changed. "Careful, your sister might be home"
"I will" i kissed henry. "See ya later"

Henry's POV

I climbed in my bedroom window and gotta change of clothes. I saw piper. Crap!! "Hi...what are you doin home?"
"Just forget somethin"
"Why do you smell like blood?"
"You killed someone didnt you?!?!"
"You did!! You promised me!!!!"
"I know. But it was drex"
"You promised me. You even said sorry!!!"
"No!! You smell like blood! When you bite someone your breath just smells like it! But you smell like blood. Which means you killed someone not just some gulps of their blood. They're dead."
"No! Dont "pipes" me!!! You said sorry, i said sorry."
"I didnt wanna upset you"
"Well you did! At least i actually meant it when i said sorry!" That just felt like a stab in my gut. "Im-" i stopped cause i knew i just ruined my relationship with my sister!
"What hen? You gon' say sorry?? Cause your vampire life is obviously more important. You dont give a crap bout me!!"
"I do..."
"No you dont. Cause if you did you woulda kept your promise and actually meant it when you said sorry!!"
"Piper...i was punching him till i saw blood plus i was vampire mode before i started beating him up. So i couldnt control  myself."
"Yes you can. Ive seen you. You just wanted to kill someone. And the cops said if you kill someone again you're going to jail!" I didnt say nothing.
"Just get out!!! I cant deal with you!!! You killer!" I went upstairs to my room and locked the door. I threw the clothes on the floor and just cried. I wasnt even trying to hold it back. The tears just fell. Im sad and scared. I couldnt cry any harder. I relationship with my sister is back to square one and she's probably gonna tell mom and dad, then they're gon' call the cops. Four people are dead and im the killer. My watch beeped, i took it off and threw across the room.  Eventually i stopped crying. But i just sat on the couch in my room. All i could think about was piper, my kills, my vampire life and the possibility that i could end up in jail. I need to fix things but how?? I cant bring my victims back to life. But i can tell my sister how stupid i am and tell her sorry but she maybe wont believe me. I cant say how i fell without crying grab some pen and paper and write it. Here's what i wrote:

Hi piper...

Listen im really sorry for what i did. But you deserve more than just sorry. Im a horrible brother. Im a killer. And i deserve your hate and i deserve to be in jail. I should've kept my promise. I shouldn't have started killing. Im so so so sorry for killing, hurting you, being a horrible brother, making you cry, and letting me being a vampire effect everything. I am stupid. I shouldn't have done what i did. Im so sorry. But its ok if you dont forgive me cause i   dont deserve it. Im sorry for literally everything i did to hurt you.


I put the letter on piper's bed and walked out. I sighed and went back to my room.

Piper's POV

I saw a letter a on my bed. I read it and when i was finished, i broke down. I cant believe henry did this. Its sweet and he's not a horrible brother. I shouldn't have said that stuff to him to make him feel that way. I went to henry's room. He was sitting on his  couch.  "Henry??" He sighed.
"Yeah piper?"
"You're not a horrible brother"
"Well you made me feel that way"
"Im sorry."
"Guessing you read it??"
"I did and you're not stupid"
"Im not??"
"'re smart and sweet." He smiled. "Really?"
"Im really sorry henry"
"Its ok and im sorry"
"Its fine...i swear it this time im gonna stop"
"I believe you just dont kill ever again. Please!"
"I wont. This is my fourth and last time"
"Thank you"
"Are you gonna tell mom and dad?"
"No...this is gonna our little secret"
"Thanks piper"
"No prob"
"Do you forgive me pipes?"
"Yes, do u forgive me?"
"Always." I hugged him, he hugged back. "I love you hen"
"I love you too pipes"

I snuggled next to henry. "Wanna watch Netflix or YouTube??" Henry asked.
"Riverdale or TVD?"

We got to season 5. I yawned and closed my eyes. "You sleepy??" Hen asked.
"Sleep in your bed or mine?"
"Ok" he carried me bridal style to my bed. "Night pipes. I love you."
"I love you too." I went to sleep.

Henry's POV

I sighed as i closed my door. I had mixed emotions. Im happy, scared, and other emotions i cant explain. I saw charlotte sitting on my bed. "Hey..."
"Where were you?"
"I came home but my sister and i had a fight"
"I killed someone again"
"Henry, what?!?!"
"We made up. Just dont tell my parents"
"I wont"
"No prob..." I kissed charlotte, she kissed back.

"Whats up with you??" Char asked.
"Crap" she chuckled.
"Nothin....". She yawned. "You tried, too?"
"Yep. Night." She went to sleep.

I snuck out. I was walking around Swellview Park.
"Whats up henry??"
"Hey lucas?"
"Whats up with you?"
"Nothin" i lied. I cant let him know im getting beat at school.  "Your life is borning"
"Nothing" my phone pinged with a text from jasper. Ugh!

J: whats up hen?

H: what?

J: well i have a surprise for u

H: no! i dont want whatever ur giving me!!!!🙅🙅

J: cmon hen

H: no!

J: guess i'll to give to u by force

H: what?!?! wym

J: later hen👋

I sighed. "Whats wrong??"
"Nothin" i said putting my phone in my back pocket.
"If you say so"
"I do"
"Fine. Henry i gotta go"
"Why" lucas' fangs came out. "Oh!! You do you. Bye."

I was walking home when i got pushed. "Jasper?!"
"Hello." He punched me over and over. He smashed my head against the sidewalk. Then he stomped on chest. I screamed. He scratched my side. He kicked me in my ribs. He kept stomping on my stomach and chest. I reversed it. I punched him, and got away from him. "That was your surprise vampire!!" He shouted. I limped home. I clasped when i was in the house. "Henry!" My parents said. "Are you ok?"
"No...." i felt weak. Then i blacked out.

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