Chapter 3

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Henry's POV

Then i heard my sister scream! Holy crap!!! I ran upstairs cause that's where the scream was coming from. I opened Piper's bedroom door. And that's when i saw Drex!
"Drex??!?! The what the heck are you doin here?!"
"Oh just hangin here." He said with a creepy smile. Then he grabbed Piper by the throat. She had a huge bruise on her face. "P-piper are you ok??"
"No." I ran my hands through my hair wondering "why?!?!" No im gonna say it not think it!
"Drex!! Why?? Just why?!?!!?!"
"Well you trapped me in time with the dinosaurs!"
"Eh true!"
"Shut it! One step closer and she's dead!"
"You wouldnt!!"
"I would!"
"Henry please! Help!" Piper said trying to break outta Drex's grip. But he just griped her throat...tight. "Shut it little girl!" He's choking her!! Oh shoot! I pushed Drex off of her. Piper was coughing and gasping for air.
"Pipes. You ok??"
"Y-yeah. Thanks"
"No prob." Then he pull piper back and she tried to break free but couldnt. I tried to pull him off but couldnt. Drex let go ,so i tried to pull piper but i was too late, Drex had her in his grasp and he was punching her! Oh heck no! Tried to pull him off ,couldnt! He just kept punching and punching, then i saw tears in piper's eyes and blood on her face. I started to tear up too. I went into vampire mode. I growled and Drex stopped punching piper. I flipped him and i did what he did to piper to him. "Now get the heck outta here!!!!" I screamed. And he just ran.

I keeled down next to piper and stroked her hair not caring that i crying that she was hurt and in vampire mode. "Piper piper! One sec i'll  be right back!" I came back with a wet washcloth, and cleaned the blood off her face. She was still crying though and so was i. "You feel better??" "Yeah thanks hen"
"No prob. You're my sister best friend." She smiled "me too."
"Still hurts??" I asked. "Alittle bit"
"I know. Im sorry, i tried to stop him"
"Its ok henry. I know you did" piper hugged me and didnt let me go and didnt want her to. I hugged her back. "I love you piper"
"I love you too henry"
1 hour later

Piper fell asleep and i brought her in bed with me. Eventually i fell asleep with piper in my arms.

I know this chapter is lame and short but the next chapter will be long and interesting.

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