Chapter 7

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Charlotte's POV

I got a text from henry. Weird. He would never text me in the middle of the night.

H: charlotte...henry's in troube!!!

C: huh?? Wym and y r u referring to urself in the 3rd person???

H: this is his dad

C: y do u have his phone??

H: bc he passed out

C: what?!?! How?!!?

H: idk...he came home weak covered in blood and bruises...

C: holy crap where is he???

H: with us at the hospital

C: i gotta tell piper later

H: bye

I went to piper's room. "Piper!" She groaned "what charlotte??"
"Henry's in the hospital." She sat up. "What?!?! What happened?? And how???!"
"I dont know. C'mon get your shoes on we gotta go!"
"You know the way??"
"Yes. Now let's go!!" I said pulling her arm.

At the hospital

We saw henry's parents. "Charlotte, piper!" Henry's mom said. "Hey" we both said. "What happened?" Piper asked. "We dont know...he just passed out."Is he ok??" I asked. "Yeah. He's sleeping though." His dad said.

I saw henry. He's sleeping but he had an iv line in one arm. I sighed. "Can i we see him?" Piper said. "Sure" they both said. Hen woke up. "Pipes??"
"Why am i at the hospital?"
"You passed out" his mom said.
"Huh?" I said.
"It was jasper. He beat me as i was walking home."
"Did you sneak out last night?" His dad said.
"If you wouldn't have snuck out this wouldn't have happened!" Piper said.
"Im sorry"
"Its cool"

Henry's POV

I was confused. The last thing i remember was blacking out after i got beat. Why?!?! Just because im different dont mean you gonna beat the crap outta geez!

After a while my mom said we could go home. Great! I have gotta go to school tomorrow!

Once we were home i clasped on the couch. Im tried of it!! Im tried of getting beat everyday!!

The next day

Ugh!!!! I went to my locker and another piece of paper fell out. I havent even been here 10 minutes!!! I opened it. You know everybody hates you. I shoved it the depths of my bag and shut my locker. Charlotte saw me. "Whats wrong??"
"Did get a note? In your locker?"

The bell rang. I went to class.

After class

"Hey hen"
"What jasper?"
"Shut your mouth. Do i need to draw you a diagram for you to understand?!"
"Uh no"
"Why are you even talking to me?!?! You hate me!!!"
"Well. I already the crap outta ya's their turn" he pointed to two girls and one boy. "And this bunch is the toughest in the mitch."
"Hey henry." They all said. Crap!! Ok time to go vampire. I went into vampire mode. They just laughed. I pushed them all of them. I punched them. Then they pushed me to the floor. I wanted to teleport. Then i did! What?! I have powers!! Lucas never told me about this.  "What?? You can teleport?!?" Jasper said. "Apparently."  Im gonna try telekinesis. I pushed all of them with my telekinesis. "Whoa!" They all said. I shoved them to the side with my telekinesis.  "Listen! Dont mess with me!" I said before they tackled me and punching me over and over. When they were done jasper grabbed me and said "you blood sucking freak! Nobody likes you. Your little girlfriend she hates you too, so why havent you killed yourself yet???" And stormed off. I sighed. Maybe everyone's lives would be better without me. I stood up and went to find charlotte. "Babe?"
"Hey hen. Whats wrong?"
"Beat again"
"Plus i have powers"
"Apparently i have teleportation and telekinesis."
"Show me." I teleported to the other side of charlotte then lightly pushed her. "Cool!"
"But you look sad?"
"Jasper told myself." Char gasped. "Hen please dont"
"I wont. Suicide is permanent solution to a temporary problem."
"Thank you so much." She hugged me tight.  "No prob." We stay in each other's arms for about 4 more minutes. "I love you hen. Remember that. People care."
"Thanks." I kissed her. The bell rang.

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