Chapter 14

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Jax's POV

I woke up to the sound the jason talking on the phone. " we're gonna get them?"....."yeah...hopefully this kills them...."that's the reason i said sorry, im not sorry...."i need them dead"..."bye mike." He hung up. I knew it! He's not sorry, he never is!! I need to talk to henry. I called him. "Yeah jax?" He said on the line. "Jason isnt sorry. He said there's a surprise waiting for us"
"Oh my God..."
"Nothing but i gotta meet me as soon as you get to school"
"K bye"
"Bye." I hung up. I got up, got ready, and went downstairs. "Hey jax." Jason said. "Hi"
"What's wrong?"
"You hungry?"
"Oh ok"
"Well bye"

At school

I saw henry. "Hey hen"
"What's up?"
"Nothing much"
"What do you think they meant by "surprise"?
"They gonna beat the hell out of us"
"Oh...anything else?"
"I don't know"
"Well we better get to class"

In class

We saw pictures hung up on the broad with pictures of us. The words were "Who would believe undead freaks?" Everyone was whispering, jason was snickering. Henry went up the broad, took the pictures off, and threw them on the floor. I walked out, henry followed me out.

In the hallway, henry punched his locker. " ok?"
"What's wrong?"
"It's just....he said he was sorry. I thought this was it. I thought thing were finally gonna get better...but turns out i was wrong"
"That's what i thought too"
"You did?"
"Yeah...we were both wrong"
"I just wish we weren't this time"
"Me too." I heard footsteps. It was jason. He pushed me. "Get the hell off him!" Henry said. "And what if i dont?"
"Kill you"
"Seriously. I almost killed you." Henry was silent. He pushed him. Jason started beating the two us, he punched us in the head, knocking us both down. Mike showed up. He started stomping on us, then shoved us across the room. Jason threw me against the lockers, mike did the same to henry. Jason choked me, mike choked henry. They didnt say nothing, just choked us. They let go. Jason left, mike stayed. "Nobody likes you, nobody wants you here. If you two dont kill yourselves, i'll gladly do it myself." He walked away.

"Are you ok?" I asked henry. He shook his head. "Well what wrong?"
"What you mean?"
"Im tried of waiting, tried of trying, tried of living"
"Im sorry jax." He walked away. I went after him. He was in the bathroom crying. "Henry...whats the matter?"
"What do you think?"
" so done"
"With what?"
" so done sick of waiting jax...i cant take it anymore. Im done living." I was silent. He walked out. I cant let him kill himself. I need to stop him.

Henry's POV

I ran home. I got my blade. I cut my wrists. 13 times.... it stings....i had cuts and scars up and down my arms. I meant what i said to jax...and im gonna do it. Now. But first...i might as well write something. Here's what i wrote: guys know what happening in my life...and i cant deal with not a fighter. Im sorry...but i just cant keep living. I love you sorry.

I read it over. Then i thought about charlotte and everyone else. I cant leave them. I broke down and tore up the note. I cant hurt them...not again. I heard the door open. It was jax. "Hen! Thank God you're ok!" He said hugging me. "Are you ok?"
"Whats wrong?"
"My life." I felt dizzy. "Oh..."
"Can you please leave?"
"Sure...can i text you?"
"I know what its like. So you can talk to me." He was about to leave, when i stopped him. "Wait!"
"Yeah?" I hugged him. "Things aren't ok. I almost killed myself just now. I just cut. Im sorry." He looked at me. "Its ok. I cut myself when you were gone too"
"Yeah.'re not alone in this. I'll be here for you." I smiled. "Thanks jax." I hugged him as I let tears fall on my cheeks. He held me. I let him. "You're ok." He whispered in my ear. I broke the hug laying on the couch. "You ok?" Jax asked me. "No!" I cried harder. Jax sighed and laid next to me. He held me in his arms. I cried in his chest. I didn't care! "I know how you feel," he said as tears came to his eyes. We were both crying. After awhile we stopped crying. But we stayed there. "Hen?" Jax whispered. "Yeah?" I said. "You're my best friend. I don't what'd I do without you Henry, you' whole world," he said smiling. I smiled too. "Same," I said. "I-I love you," he said. "I love you too," I said. We stayed on the couch for 14 more minutes.
"im gonna go. Later"
"Bye." We hugged.

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