Chapter 12

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Charlotte's POV

"Henry!!! Oh my God! Henry wake up!" He's not waking up! "Piper! Mrs. and Mr. Hart! Come quick!" They came. "Oh my God! Henry! What happened charlotte?" His mom said. "What does it look like?!" They saw the blood, knife, and pills. "Good lord!" Piper said. I think she realized what henry did. "Charlotte! Call 911!" I did. "Yeah 911! We need an ambulance! My boyfriend swallowed a bunch of pills and slit his wrists!"
"Ok....we already sent help"
"Thanks" I hung up. "We have an ambulance comin'!"
"Thank you charlotte" His dad said. "You're welcome. I just hope his ok"
"We all do"
"Wait. I need to call ray!" I took the watch off henry's wrist. I flipped in open. "Oh, hey charlotte"
"Ray! Henry tried to kill  himself again!"
"What?! Where is he?"
"On the kitchen floor...unconscious"
"Oh God! Be there in 10!"

10 minutes later

Ray showed up. "Char!"

The paramedics finally showed up. Took them long enough. They took him off.

At the hospital

The doctors hooked henry up to machines and IVs.

We saw him. Jesus Christ! I hope we wakes up. Why would we do this to himself? He woke up!

Henry's POV
I woke up in the hospital, hooked up to machines and IVs. Its hit me. This was from the pills. My arms were wrapped in bandages. This is serious. This is how serious things got. My suicide attempt got me here. I need to stop. I want to stop....but its hard to keep trying and wait for things to get better when.....they're not. When im stuck in this stupid rut. "Henry?" Piper said. "Hey"
"Thank God you're ok!" She said hugging me gently. "Yeah"
"Hen?" Charlotte said.
"Hey babe." She smiled. I smiled back. Then she kissed me. "Ok guys. There are other people in the room" Ray said. We broke the kiss. "Hey ray"
"Hi hen. Are you ok?"
"Yeah. Im fine." They all hugged me. But i was kinda hurt jasper wasn't here. Even though we're not friends anymore, it still would've been nice to know he had a soft spot in his heart for me. I guess not. "Im really sorry guys. Its just its hard to keep trying and waiting when they're not. When im stuck in this stupid rut"
"Its alright hen. We get it." Piper said.
"Really? But i hurt y'all"
"Yeah...but we can forgive you." Ray said.

One week later

After what happened, i've thought about what charlotte said and my family. I've realized that people love me and care about me. Maybe not the people at school, but in a few years i won't see them ever again. So why am i so upset? Why have i tried to kill myself? Charlotte's right. Bullying doesn't last forever. And if i die, the people who do love me....they hurt. And i cant do that again. The texts will stop, the notes, the bullying. Everything will stop. Maybe not tomorrow, but it'll stop...someday. Plus once im dead, i cant come back to life. I cant hurt my family again. I need to fight this. I need to push through it, it'll be worth it.

I got a text from charlotte.

C: hey baby

H: hey😘

C: r u ok??

H: yeah....y?

C: u know...

H: oh yeah im sorry char

C: ur fine....stop apologizing

H: just happy to be alive

C: really?? 2 weeks ago u said u wanted to die

H: yeah i did....but while i was in the hospital i realized somethings

C: like what??

H: suicide not only effects the effects who ppl who knew the makes ppl hurt...and it permanent. Once ur dead...u cant come back to life

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