Chapter 10

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Henry's POV

I woke up dredging school. I got another text. Ugh! R u coming to school today??? I hope not! Cause no one wants u here!! Why r u living? Why r u in this world of hate?? I'll give u some advice so u can deal with this pain...cause i know ur hurting. U can kill urself!!🔪🔪🔪. I sighed and got outta bed. Char was asleep on the floor. Its was 7:04. "Char" I whispered, shaking her a bit. "What?" She groaned. "Its time for school"
"Yup. C'mon"

I got what i was gonna wear. I went downstairs. " hungry?" My mom said
"Um yeah" I actually wasn't. Last time i ate was yesterday morning. "Sit." She put a plate of waffles in front of me.

When i was done, i rushed out the door. "Hen!" They all called me. I sighed. "What?"
"Why are you in a rush?" Piper said.
"No reason"
"Well, ain't you gon' wait for your girlfriend?"
"Yeah. One sec." I went upstairs. "Babe??" My door was closed. She was out. "What?"
"Nothing just you comin?"
"Yeah. I just gotta get my shoes."
"K...let's go"

At school

I opened my locker. No note. That's weird. I ignored it and whipped out my phone. I shoved my ear buds in and put on my playlist. The bell rang. Here goes the day of hell.

After class

I saw charlotte. "What happened in class hen?"

Skip to the end of school

I got surrounded by kids. At least 10. "What up henry?" One of my bullies said. "Are you ready?" Jasper said. "For what?" I said know what going to happen. I tried to get away. They stopped me. I shoved them aside with my telekinesis. I walk out of the circle. But they grabbed me back. They pushed me to the ground. "Get off of me!!" I yelled. My bullies held me down. "Stop!! Get off!"
"Hold him!" One of them said. All the kids started kicking and stomping on me. Jasper was punching me. They all left. Except one. He gripped my neck....tight. I couldn't breathe. I tried to pushed him off of me. "Listen!! Im the who sent a majority of those texts. Because i want you dead! I need you dead! You dont belong here! This world would be better without you!" He let go and stormed off. I was coughing and gasping air. Charlotte ran over to me. "Henry! Whats wrong?"
"Life char,life." I walked away with tears streaming down my face.

Charlotte's POV

What does henry mean by life is wrong? I caught up to him. "Hen what did mean when you said life was wrong?"
"Nothing." He walked away again, then i caught up to him again. "Henry, talk to me!"
"What is there to talk about?!"
"Um you!"
"What about me?! Im getting beat! And im suicidal! Is that what you wanna hear?!" He yelled. "Hen..."
"You wanna die?"
"No one seems to care enough to stop me. So why shouldnt i?" I walked away. I cant believe those words came outta henry's mouth.

At work

I plopped down on the couch and sighed. I saw ray. "Ray"
"Whats wrong char?"
"Henry wants to die"
"Wait what?"
"Well he gotta stop him!"
"Yeah let's go!"

Henry's POV

I went to the backyard and got the blade from the trash. I climbed to my bedroom window and sat on the couch. I cut my wrist and fore arm. I just stared at it. Then i grabbed a piece of wood, sharped it. I was about to put it through my heart when charlotte and ray burst through the door. "Henry stop!!" They both said. "Why should i??!" She quickly grabbed the wood. "Because its not right" She said tossing it on the couch. "Let me die!"
"Hen no..." Ray said.
"Why not?"
"Because we're gonna miss you!" Char said.
"Not the people at my school! I get horrible texts everyday that say they want me dead! And after school! I got kicked, punched and one dude chocked me and said 'i need you dead! this world will be better without me here!' Plus im sick of the pain i go through every dang day! I cant deal with it! Im not a fighter!"
"Hen.....if you die,i die! I need you in my life. I love you henry." I started crying. People really do care. She hugged me. "Im so sorry charlotte. I didnt have--"
"Shh its ok" She let me cry. "Can you ever forgive me for my dumb choices?"
"I already did"
"Really?" I said looking into her eyes. "Does this answer your question?" She gave me a long kiss, i kissed back. I nodded my head. "Thank you charlotte"
"You dont need to"
"Are you kidding me? If i wasnt for you i wouldn't be standing here right now"
"Thank God we came here!"
"Thanks char. But i still have school. And no one there wants me alive"
"Which is why...."
"Yeah and because im sick of it! I cant deal with it anymore!"
"Char im serious. I cant! I cant deal with the pain anymore! This is been going on for three months. And the texts and note  has been going on for two months! The people want me dead! So why not give 'em what they want?"
"Hen no"
"See ya later" I said walking out.

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