Chapter 2 - WANDA'S POV

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I watch the landscape as we drive to school. Peter's on his phone, probably texting Liz. I hate that girl. Ever since they started dating, she's made his life ten times harder than it has to be. She has no sympathy for anyone but herself. But she makes him happy, so I'll have to deal with it.

As soon as we hop out of the car Liz is there. I don't even wait to say goodbye to Peter because I already know what's coming. I try to bolt my way up the stairs, but she manages to trip me, making me look like a fool in front of Peter and making her look like a saint.

"Oh- oh my god Wanda are you alright?" Peter dashes over to help me up but Liz is already trying to help me up, to look as though she is kind and sweet.

"God! You need to start being more careful Wanda" she gives me a look. I turn away.

"I'm alright Pete, just a few scrapes", I dust off my knees and my dress.

"Alright, go wash that up. I'll see you later in class?"

"For sure" I smile and then I'm off. GOD, I hate Liz. Why does she hate me so much? Why does she have to be so rude? I go to the bathroom to clean up my knees and hands. The soap stings once it soaks into the cut on my hand.

"So Wanda", the door slings open and guess who's standing next to me. "I just want to make things clear. Peter is with me, not you. So don't you dare try to make a move on him. There WILL be consequences".

I'm still drying my hands when she steps closer and walks me against the wall.

"Am. I. Clear?"

I nod. I can see someone standing behind her. Why won't they stop this? Say anything?

"Anyways, it's not like Peter would go for someone like you anyways, freak"

I look down. She laughs and looks back at me through the mirror. I keep my head down.

"Just back off, witch. Before someone gets hurt"

The other person steps up.

"Liz?" Oh my god.

"Peter! What are you doing in the girl's bathroom?" Liz says, shocked.

"I was going to come check up on Wanda, but looks like I have a bigger problem"

He looks at me. I gulp and he grabs my wrist to pull me behind him. He tugs me out of the bathroom and into and empty hallway.

"Wanda. How- How long has she been doing that?"

I look down. If I break them up my life will be hell at school. People already think I'm a freak! Imagine; the freak that broke up Peter and Liz. I can't let that happen, they would never stop! Liz practically rules the sc-


"Peter she didn't do anything wrong. That was the first time" I lie, "she was just being protective".

"Protective my ass! Why didn't you tell me? She treated you like dirt! Is that how she always is around you? I could've broken up with her! I'd do anything for you!" He stops.

I blush and stop as well.

"Peter it's alright" I say in a quiet voice, "Stay with her if she makes you happy" He grabs my hand. I wrap my other arm around him. I pull away and try to look him in the eyes to make sure he knows. He's still looking down. He begins to talk quietly.

"Wanda. She doesn't make me happy. You-"

And that's the bell. I wrap my arms around his neck. I can feel his arms around my waist. I let go, smile slightly and walk to English. My heart racing. What would he have said?

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