Chapter 16 - PETER'S POV

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"Wakey wakey, Spider-boy."

My head pounds and aches. My whole body is in pain.

"Looks like the Avengers haven't been trying hard enough" the voice whispers loudly.

I groan. Where am I? What is he talking about? What's wrong with the Avengers?

"What?" I let out. I try to sit up, but am held down by my wrists. I open my eyes and look towards them. They're surrounded by a metal cuff. My ankles are also attached to the table by metal cuffs.

I look around and try to find the speaking person. I stop in the left corner of the room.

"What do you want from me?" I say as loud as I can, but it comes out punier than I wanted it to sound.

"You thought you were safe didn't you Petey? You thought everything was fine after I went to jail. You ruined my life!" he screams.

I look towards him. The Vulture. How did he? When did he? The weapons they were using at the bank, the flying man who picked up Wanda? He's back.

"When my wife divorced me and moved back here, to New York. My life was over. Everything I had worked so hard to make, destroyed!" he says. He keeps pacing back and forth.

"Well Peter, I'm here to ruin yours. Your little Avenger friends are having trouble tracking you down" he puts on a fake frown, "I'm gonna rip you to shreds and when they find you, you'll be nothing but a lifeless pile of bones". He leaves the room in a rush.

My eyes begin to water. How the hell are they gonna find me? I wish I was with Wanda and Mr. Stark and Pepper at dinner. Or with MJ and Ned at lunch. I just want to go home. I shut my eyes really tight, hoping this isn't real, hoping this is a dream. But it isn't. And the Avengers aren't gonna find me.

And I won't get to say goodbye.
I sit and wait for hours. There's nothing but silence.

Another hour goes by and he bursts through the door with something on wheels. He turns my arm around and shoves tubes into it. I whimper. He goes around to the other side and does the same to my other arm. He flicks a switch and something comes over me. I can't move, everything is blurry.

"What- What are you doing?" I say.

"See Peter before I kill you, I'm gonna find out your secret. I'll get your blood and inject it into myself, that way I'll be just as strong and fast as Spider-man", he says. I can see the bag slowly being to fill.

Everything begins to darken. "You'll- You'll- You'll-" my eyes begin to flutter shut at the sound of the Vulture's malicious laughter.

SERIOUSLY WOW. 2k reads!?!? You're all the best, tysm for continuing to read my story!!
Next Post: 29/09/18

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