Chapter 26 - WANDA'S POV

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Graduation is in a couple months. That is insane. I haven't applied for any universities or colleges, because I think I'm gonna stick to being an Avenger. I'm sure Peter will go off to some fancy university, but we haven't talked about it. Not even once. I heard him and Tony talking about going into biochemistry at Harvard, but Tony said that Peter should just stay here and work with him. The thought of Peter leaving makes me really sad, but when he walks into the room, I smile like everything is okay.

Peter comes into my room, kisses me on the cheek and sits on my bed, which is across from my desk where I'm sitting.

He looks at me intently, "What's wrong?", he says.

"Am I really that bad at hiding my emotions? You would think I would have gotten good at it by now..." I get up and sit next to him on my bed. I lean my head on his shoulder and wrap my arm through his to hold his hand.

"So what's bugging you?" he says a little quieter.

"What happens after we graduate? You haven't even mentioned universities to me? Which ones did you apply to? Which ones did you get in for?"

He sighs, "I got into Harvard", he says without looking at me. I gasp. I kiss him, and practically jump into his arms. I get up and jump around. He giggles a little bit before continuing.

"I'm gonna turn it down"

I stop. "No you're not", I say back.

"Wanda, I don't want to leave. I like working with Stark, I love being an Avenger. And I love you. I could never, ever leave you and all of this, for that long"

I frown. I don't want to be the reason he misses out on this opportunity. "Peter, please rethink this. I just want you to think about what you're giving up, I mean it's Harvard! THE Harvard!"

"I've already made up my mind, okay?" He takes my hands and pulls me back down to sit. He kisses me lightly. I wrap my arms around his neck. There is no way I'm letting him give this up. He's going to that damned school.
This chapter is a little different. I think I want to focus more on their relationship now rather than drama and them having powers and being an Avenger and stuff. I've been busy lately but hopefully a new part for BOTH my stories will be out in a few days! Go check out my new story!!

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