Chapter 22 - WANDA & PETER'S POV

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I lock myself in a stall, and everything begins to spin. I listen towhat Betty says to Peter. I hear her heels click closer to the stall.

"Wanda, hun, come out of the stall", she says gently.

"You didn't have to do that. You don't have to be here", I say through my tears.

"Unlock the door", she says again.

I unlock the stall door and push it open. She opens her arms and I hug her. "Hun I'm your friend, this is what friends are for", she says.
After I talk to Betty and calm down a little bit, we walk out of the stall. Peter is still waiting outside the door, but I ignore him. When we leave the bathroom he gets up immediately, but doesn't follow me. He just watches me go to my next class, then goes to his.

Two cars pick us up from school at the end of the day. Steve and Nat are in the two cars, I go to sit in the one with Steve, but he shakes his head, and points at Peter. I frown, then walk to the car with Nat. Peter nervously gets in the passenger seat of the car, and I do the same.

"I know you told me this morning, but I can tell that's not the full story. All of it. Now", Nat says as we drive off in front of the boys.

I tell her everything that happened beginning to end. When I'm done, she just sighs.

"Look, I get where you're coming from, but you can't force him to do what you want all the time"

"See that's the thing, he NEVER does what I want, he never even cares about my opinion. He just keeps messing up and making stupid mistakes, which always end up in him getting hurt and I can't watch him do it over and over again"

"Wanda honey, that boy is completely and utterly in love with you. He'll drop everything if it means he gets to be with you. He hates that he can't watch over you on missions, and he hates that he can't protect you at school. That's why he 'needs' to go back"

"I don't need to be protected!"

"Then you need to tell him that"

I guess she's right. Maybe I should just talk to him about it instead of just shutting him out. I mean, I know he wants to protect me and watch over me, but I also want to protect him. I just hate seeing him get hurt.


I gulp nervously as I get into the passenger seat with Steve. Oh god, he's gonna tear me apart. As I get in I see the girls drive out in front of us. I strap my seat belt in and see Tony and Pepper sitting in the back seat. When I turn back and face the front, Tony flicks me in the back of the head.

"What were you thinking dumb dumb?" he says disapprovingly.

Steve chuckles at this and we start driving. Pepper hits Tony's arm lightly and rubs the back of my head to make it feel better. She then proceeds to flick it, just as Tony did.

"Ow!" I yell.

"Peter, tell us the full story, now" she says.

I tell them everything that I did, and keep saying how stupid I am.

"Well at least you know", Steve says.

"Sweetheart, I know you want to apologize and make up, but she's gonna need some time. A lot has happened and she just feels hurt", Pepper says.

I look down at my shoes. I know, I keep hurting her. "Everything was so much easier when we were just friends, we used to be so close" I say.

"Look kid, you two have always had feelings for each other, why deny them? You guys are better off having them on the table", Steve says.  "But seriously, if you hurt her one more time, you are dead meat", he whispers.

Tony laughs loudly at this, "Just give it time Spiderling"

I sigh as we pull into the drive way.
This chapter was written kinda differently, I think I'm gonna write it like this more often, because it makes the chapters longer. Let me know your opinions; one POV chapter or both POV chapter.

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@ mculovess

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