Chapter 8 - WANDA'S POV

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I walk outside onto the balcony in the hall. I sit on the concrete wall that surrounds it. I look out above the forest that surrounds the compound. I can hear Peter lean against the doorway.

"Peter you need time to get over her. I'm sorry I brought you into this mess", my voice breaks. I've wanted him for so long and now I have to give him up. He comes closer and runs his fingers through his hair. He looks out, as I have been doing. He sits on the ledge and hangs his legs off the side. He looks at me.

"Wanda. This is not your fault", I keep looking out. He turns my face gently towards his and kisses me softly. I wrap my arms around his neck and put my hand on the back of his head, my arm resting on his shoulder.

There's a loud beep from both our watches. We pull away but pause and look at each other before running to our rooms. I change into a jumpsuit and we dash out the door. I walk towards Steve and we walk towards the car.

"What's the deal?" I say to him, hopping into the car.

"Alien weapon dealers robbed one of our trucks a couple months ago. They were spotted robbing a bank in downtown New York. A lot of damage and already many civilians injured."

I nod. We drive faster until reaching the scene. There's a man in a mask guarding the bank's door with some sort of weapon. There is another man inside holding people at gun point, stashing money into a bag. I can already see the damage around the building. These weapons are very powerful. Peter, Natasha and Clint all get out of the car next to us. Tony and Sam fly low, and land next to us. We begin to walk around the area. Steve nods at me and I begin to run into view of the man guarding the door. He see me and points the weapon towards me. Steve throws his shield to hit the man, but he sees it coming and ducks. Natasha runs to take the man down from behind. I begin to form a forcefield around myself when I get picked up and brought into the air. A man in a suit with wings has picked me up and is bringing me above the buildings. I look up at him. He's wearing a mask. I look back down and we are above the buildings. I start to feel dizzy, I've never been this high before.
"Bye bye kid"
He drops me, and I begin to scream. I see Tony and Sam trying to fly as fast as they can to catch me. Someone wraps their arms around me and swings across, we fly through a building's window. I roll across the floor, as does the person who caught me. I cough and groan. "Wanda, Wanda, you alright?", its Peter.

I begin to crawl towards him, he is clearly also hurt. I lay his head in my lap and lift his mask. I kiss him on the forehead. Then I say into my wrist; "Tony or Sam, fly up through the broken window. Peter is really hurt. Many deep cuts and possibly bruised ribs."

"No I'm alright let's finish these guys", he tries to sit up but groans and holds his stomach. He shuts his eyes.

I lie him back down. "Thanks Parker", I rub my hand along his face and across his cut lip. I head back down towards the fight once Tony gets Peter to the compound. Holes are in buildings, many things burning. Steve walks out holding Natasha in his arms. I run up to him. "Clint?" I say in a panic.
"Went back with the kid, Sam is on his way over there now". I sigh out of relief then help him get Nat to the car. His eyebrow is cut and he his bleeding a lot on his side.
"Steve what the hell was that?" I say worried. Nat doesn't look so good either. Steve looks back at her.

"I have no idea. We need to get those people off the streets." Steve says handing me the keys.
I get in on the driver side and Steve lays Natasha across the back seat. He gets into the passenger seat. He hits the dashboard in front of him. "Damnit!" Whatever the hell that was, we need to be more prepared for it next time.

"Language" I hear Nat groan from the back.
Seriously thanks for reading guys! I appreciate it sooo much!!

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