Chapter 19 - PETER'S POV

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He cuts through my skin. I can feel him injecting me with some sort of liquid. It stings as it goes into my skin.

"HELP" I screamed.

"STOP" I screamed.

I wake up suddenly, to the beeping of an ECG next to me. I start to panic. Where am I? I breathe heavily and hold the bed's arm.

"Peter! Peter you're alright. Breathe. Everything is alright Peter", Wanda cups her hands around my face.

My breathing begins to slow. I open my eyes. I'm back?

I wrap my arms around her body.

"Peter oh my god. I missed you so much, you have to stop scaring me like that!" she says wrapping her arms around me.

I laugh into her hair. "You have no idea how much I've missed you. I thought I was never gonna see you again", I choke up. I can't believe they found me.

I put my hands on Wanda's face and kiss her. I hug her again. There's a knock on the already opened door.

"Peter!", Pepper runs over and wraps her arms around my neck. Tony comes over and shakes my hair. "Peter, you scared us all half to death!" Pepper shouts.

"I'm sorry, Pepper." I hug her even tighter. I've missed them so much.

"How did you find me?" I say and look at Tony.

"Wanda noticed one of the web-shooters in your suit was missing. So we tracked it to your location. Thank god you're obsessed with those damned things", Tony smiles and gives me a hug.

"How long has it been since you found me?" I look at Pepper.

"About two days..." she says.

Then Nat rushes in and hugs me, followed by Mr. Rogers, Clint.

One by one all of the Avengers come in to see me. It's so great to finally see them all again. Eventually, I drift back off to sleep.


The rest of the week is hard. I've barely slept since my first days back. I keep having nightmares of the vulture. Tony sleeps in the hospital room with me. He says he wants to help since he knows what I'm going through. Wanda visits everyday before and after school. Ned and MJ visited a couple times this week too. Wanda seems upset most of the time. I ask her what's wrong, but she just brushes it off because she 'doesn't want to bother me when I have my own problems'. I just wish I knew what was going on.

Bruce says I'll be good to go back to school and being Spider-man in a couple days. I don't know if I'm ready to go back, but I guess I'll have to. People need me.

Wanda walks into my room and kisses my cheek, then sits in the chair next to my bed. She lifts her legs onto my bed and lays back in her chair, "Thank god it's Friday, I'm so damn sick of school", she says frustrated.

"What's wrong?", I say.

She smiles, "Nothing, it's alright Peter", and she tries to change the subject to me again.

"Wanda, what's the point in being in a relationship if you can't even talk to me?", I say. "We used to talk all the time, about everything".

"Not everything Peter. You always get angry and amped up when I tell you about things like this. Then you end up doing something stupid, like punching Flash".

I look at her pleadingly, "I won't get angry I promise, besides I can't do anything from here".

She looks at me warily. "Alright, fine," she sighs, "Liz hasn't stopped. She keeps spreading rumours about you cheating and about how you're such a horrible boyfriend, and it just makes me mad, because you're not! You're the most amazing person I know and-" I grab her arm and pull her in. She falls on my bed and i wrap my arms around her from behind. I laugh.

"I love you so, so much" I kiss her cheek.

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