Chapter 20 - WANDA'S POV

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Bruce said Peter can be back at school and back to being Spider-man by Monday. I really don't think he should go back to being Spider-man so soon. He's been through so much, I'm just really worried about him. He needs a break.

It's Sunday night, which means Peter is going back to school, and back to saving the city tommorow. I don't know, I just don't want him to push himself when he's not ready enough. I walk to the elevator and go down to his floor. Thank god they finally let him get out of that horrible hospital bed. I couldn't bare the sight of him being hooked up to so many machines all the time.

"Hey Parker," I knock lightly on the opened door. He's lying in his bed about to sleep, although he is still in his red flannel and jeans. He sits up and hangs his legs off the bed. I look at the time. "Peter it's nine o'clock, how old are you?" I joke. He laughs and grabs my hands. He pulls me into his bed. I crawl in and we both lay down. We face each other.

"What?" I smile.

"You're so beautiful" He says.

He leans in and kisses me intensely. I pull away and smile. There's a knock on the door so I scramble out of his bed and sit on top of the blanket as the door opens.

"Lights out kid," Bucky says. I get up off the bed and walk out.
I go up to my room and change into a long t-shirt and long socks. I crawl into bed and stare at the ceiling, trying hard to fall asleep, for hours.

By twelve I give up and grab a book. I turn on my light and read for a little, when there's a knock on my window.

I look up, and Peter's hanging outside my window ledge. I open it up and he hops in.

"Can't sleep?" He asks. I shake my head and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Me neither," he says.

I kiss him intensely, resuming where we left off before we got interrupted. He walks backwards towards my bed, pulling me with him. Still kissing me. He's still in his flannel but has on pyjama pants. I begin to unbutton his flannel while he lifts my shirt over my head. I undo the last button and he throws his flannel off the bed. He begins to kiss me again. I run my fingers through his hair, as he kisses my neck. I lie him back and sit on his abdomen. He begins to unclip the back of my bra when I notice the many cuts and bruises on his chest and arms that still haven't healed. I stop him and sit down with my legs crossed on the bed. He looks at me and wraps his arms around my stomach. He puts his head in the crook between my neck and my shoulder. He kisses it lightly.

"I don't think you should go back tommorow" I say staring at the ground.

"Wanda, I'm gonna be fine," He smiles, I frown.

"Peter please, don't go back tommorow", tears start to flood my eyes. "I can't see you get hurt anymore."

He looks away from me, "Every time I put on the suit I take a risk Wanda. You take that same risk. Everyone here does", he pauses. "Wanda I have to. I can't abandon the city like that."

"You're not stable enough to go back to saving other people. You need to take care of yourself before you can even think about taking care of the whole city!"

"I'm going back tommorow, Wanda. You can't stop me. This is what I need to do."

"What you need is time! You need to heal. For god's sake your body hasn't even healed, how do you expect your mind to?"

"You're not gonna change my mind"

"Fine Peter. Then I'm done. I can't watch the person I love most in the world hurt himself over and over again"

"Wait Wanda, what are you sayi-"

"No. I'm done, Parker. We're done." He tries to reach over for me, and I brush his arm away. He angrily walks towards the window and hops back down onto his ledge. I shut the window and turn off my light. I put my shirt back on and climb into bed.

He's brutal! He doesn't even consider my feelings... He didn't even ask my opinion when deciding weather or not he should go back.

I've had everyone I love die. I can't loose him too. What doesn't he understand? This is the only way to stop me from getting hurt again, and again. Every time they bring him in broken and bruised my heart aches a little more. I can't keep putting myself through it.

Tears start rolling down my face. They don't stop until I fall asleep, exhausted from crying so intensely.
I really wish I could post and write more!! I'm just so busy!! Thanks for reading, next part should be out within a couple of days.

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