Chapter 13 - PETER'S POV

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By the end of the weekend, Wanda is sleeping in her new room. Sam has moved into her old room.

I go to hop in the elevator and she's in it too. She looks stunning in her deep maroon t-shirt dress and her hair up in a bun. I run in and grab her hand as I turn to face the elevator doors again. We go down and walk to the car. Happy drives us to school today, so we get there in half the time. She looks nervous. No one knows we're dating, but we had never talked about if we were telling people. We get out of the car and Happy drives away. I look at her while we're walking up the stairs to the main door. "Do you want people to know about us?" I say to her. She hesitates, but nods slightly.

"Wanda we don't have to tell the whole school if you're not ready, just tell me and I'll keep it a secret", we stop walking.

She nods, "No we should tell people. I can't let Liz, or anyone else, control our relationship or my life," she grabs my hand and we walk through the doors.

No one seems to notice, but she is still nervous, I can tell. We get to the main hall and Liz is there. She see us and whispers something to Flash. I go to my locker and Wanda follows. She holds her books in her hands but Flash walks by aggressively and pushes them out of her hands. They all go flying and she falls. People around us laugh as she picks up her stuff. I help her up and kiss her right there in front of everybody. I can hear Liz's heels click away and all the laughing stop. I pull away and she whispers in my ear, "thank you".

The rest of the day, goes as normal. I go through my first two periods, what feels like faster than ever. I walk towards Wanda's locker, she's hiding her face in it somewhat. I move the door back and see that she's crying. My smile instantly fades, "What happened?", she hands me notes upon notes, with words like 'skank' and 'boyfriend stealer' on them. Just then Flash walks by, "Ooooh that's rough Parker, maybe you shouldn't have broken up with Liz for a freak", him and his friends laugh.

I step towards them, "What did you just say?", my fist is clenched next to me. Wanda grabs my wrist, "Peter don't. It's not worth it."

I relax and nod, but then he mouths "FREAK". I walk step towards him and punch him across the face. Wanda yells "Peter!" and I shake my hand off. This kid's seen nothing yet. He comes up and tries to punch me, but I dodge it. I kick him in the side and he falls to the ground. I shut Wanda's locker and grab her hand. Before running out I say loudly for the whole crowd to hear, "If ANYONE ELSE has a issue with us, you take it up with me, NOT her". I look at Liz and say "How insecure can you be? Leave her the hell alone! She's never done anything to you! God, I can't believe I couldn't see the real you while we were dating!" I roll my eyes then look at Wanda. She's not really happy with me, but I'm not about to talk about it here. I pull her towards the exit. We run out together and we take a bus back to the compound. It's a long way to walk from the bus, but I need to be at home right now.
LOL I really don't like the way I wrote this chapter but I guess I'll have to deal with it!

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