Chapter 23 - WANDA'S POV

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We get home way before the guys so I just go to my room to do my homework. I'm gonna tell Peter the truth, I just want everyone to be better and for us to be together again.

"Ms. Maximoff, Mr. Stark would like to see you in the lab" FRIDAY says, scaring me half to death.

"Thank you FRIDAY," I respond. I head down to the elevator, and go to the basement level one. I step off the elevator and walk towards a busy Tony Stark. "Yes Tony?"

"Hey kid, um give me two seconds, didn't think you'd be down that quick, usually takes Peter years", he chuckles.

I nod and sit at one of his unoccupied desk chairs and wait for him to finish tinkering with his suit.

When he finishes, he grabs a rag to wipe of his hands and said, "Peter, is a fragile boy Wanda. He overthinks a lot, and he does things to impress you so that you won't leave him. He does that with everyone he loves", he says.

I nod. "Look all I'm saying is hear the kid out. He really does care about you and, I know I'm always making jokes but, you two really are great together"

I nod again, and he continues, "So just try not to break each other's hearts, and don't dwell on the little things. Honestly, just talk to the kid if you feel something's off" he comes over to me and put a hand on my shoulder, "and stop trying to push people away"

I go to bed after that, still having not talked to Peter. I haven't seen him anywhere, hopefully tomorrow we'll have more time to talk.

I get ready for school early in the morning. I shower and get dressed, then I blow dry my hair and put a touch of mascara and lipstick on. Still no sign of Parker.

I get into the car and Nat drives me to school again, I walk in and find Betty. I tell her what happened and then we look for Peter together. I stop by locker to drop off some books and see him.

Peter is holding a huge bouquet of maroon roses, and my locker is covered in them. He gives me a sad sort of smile. I walk over to him slowly. Everyone in the hall stops to admire my boyfriend's efforts.

As I'm walking I say, "So what's all this?"

He puts the flowers on one of the shelves of my locker and moves closer to me, "Look, I'm such an idiot, I'm sorry. I know I should consider your feelings more and I'm sorry I didn't. I guess I'm just afraid that if I don't do something big or save people all the time, no one will consider me a real Avenger. They'll all just think of me as 'that kid who follows them around'. And I don't want you to be upset and I know how much you've through, I just love it so much" He finally takes a breath and he grabs my hands, he stares at them and plays with them while talking, "But I love you more, so if I have to give it up to be with you, then so be it"

I make him look up, "Woah, woah, woah, give it up? Peter I would never ask you to do that! All I want is for you to consider my opinion and my feelings sometimes. I just didn't think you were ready and felt like you were being to hard on yourself"

"Oh my, thank god! I thought I was gonna have to give up being an Avenger! You know how insane I would look!"

I laugh, "Just kiss me you idiot".

I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his hands around my waist. We kiss for a while, but he pulls away.

"I love you" he says, and I say it back.

We hug and he pulls away to look at me, "Just to be clear, I'm not going back to being Spider-man today?", he says with puppy dog eyes.

"Friday?" I say as a compromise.

"Deal" he says.
Thanks for reading guys!! I think I'm gonna end this series at Chapter 35 or 40, let me know how long you want it to go! Also I'm starting a new story so be sure to follow me so you can see when i publish that!!

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